Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Somebody's getting stubborn!

Dad has been getting a bit stubborn the past few days with his medicine. I was concerned yesterday it was just me and I told him if he didn't take his medicine that I might get fired as his "nurse", but then when I arrived at mom & dad's this morning, my brother Dave was crawling around on the floor looking for the pill dad had thrown on the floor when he tried to get him to take his morning doses. Last night for me, he spit them back into the water bottle at bedtime and at dinnertime he chewed them and spit them out. Then for mama tonight he wasn't cooperating either. Guess he is just getting a little bit tired of all these meds - and I don't blame him, he has a slew of them and we have even added more to them lately.

Dad was in a pretty good mood today - and talking fairly well. But I guess I have to explain that when I say good, I am meaning "good for what he's been thru" not good as in good like what he used to be. The fact is, he is not even able to recite his alphabet with the speech therapist, he always stops at "q" and needs a lot of help along the way to even get that far. He will be speaking about something just as plain as can be and making pretty good sense, then seconds later he is talking about something that none of us can make sense of. Also, Dad has been experiencing a good bit of nausea and heartburn - so when he has his check up with Dr. R this Thursday, we are hoping to figure out if it's his gall bladder acting up again or something else.

I have to admit, today I was driving home from work and I just began to bawl. . . I miss my dad so much. I miss the strong, encouraging, positive and overall amazing man he's been in my life. I just cried out to God - please bring my dad back. . . I mean don't get me wrong, everyone of us thank God daily that he is alive and doing fairly well for what he's been thru, but it is just an unbelievably difficult thing to go thru. . . helping mama take care of his very basic needs, doing almost everything for him. . . seeing her miss her best friend - it is very, very hard emotionally - we would do anything in the world for our dad - no matter what he needs believe me - we are 100% committed to his care. We do trust God, and we have not given up hope at all. . . it's just that we might be getting a little impatient, but we are working on that too (pray for us!). Please pray that God will give us a miracle and bring our Shug back - I just can not fathom life without the impact and influence of our dad in this world. We will not accept this illness without a hard fight. God - we are crying out to you - bring Shug back and bring him back soon! Love you all!


Lori, Frank, Amber, Cynthia Zimmerman said...

I can only understand a little what you must be feeling. From the short time we have known Shug from The Living Room, we have grown to love him so much and we miss him. You have known him and looked up to him your whole life. Our family will be praying for your entire family. We love you!!! Stay strong just like your wonderful dad has always been for you!!!!

Rene Haught said...

Mary Beth,
I am so sorry you are missing your dad right now. I'll continue to pray that God will restore his health and bring him back to his family. I can't imagine what you are going through, but I hope you know that we think about you everyday.