Thursday, January 17, 2008

A Better Day Today-upated

Dad is doing better today - he slept all night and that helped. His blood pressure is back under control now and he only got sick once this morning. . . which was before we got the nausea patch back on him. Since having the nausea patch back on (around 10am) he has not thrown up and has been able to keep a little bit on his stomach at breakfast & lunch.

He started out with a good session of physical therapy then mid-way thru the exercises, it got to be too hard for him and he did not want to participate - so the therapist basically did the exercises with his legs for him. Not sure what happened with him there. (We live for the day when Dad can sit alone without assistance or stand up. His left side has been gaining some strength little by little in the arm and leg, but he just doesn't "understand how to use it". We still use the hoyer lift to put him in and out of his wheelchair and into his recliner. He has not been able to be stood to his feet since he was in acute therapy before Christmas.)

Dr. R came to visit this afternoon and he thought he looked better than the when he saw him a week & 1/2 ago. We are going to just monitor this change back to the patch and see if that works. He has had a very busy day with physical therapy, doctors, nurse for a blood draw & urinalysis, occupational therapist - whew. . . all on top of having such a bad day yesterday.

Thanks for your prayers - we'll keep you posted if anything changes tonight. We did go ahead and cancel his appointment tomorrow in Winchester with Dr. Webber due to the weather, which was just a follow up to his "pulmonary embolism" episode back in November. As for the gall bladder, Dr. R. said it still may be part of the issue lately and it may be getting a little worse, but we are scheduled to see Dr. Boyd February 4th and go from there.

Enjoy the snow!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Kisner Family,

We wanted to check in on you and let you know we are continually praying for recovery! Let us know if we can be of any help...

Keith, Kristie & Girls