Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year

Hey everybody - happy new year! I am staying here with dad tonight cause my brother tommy is still sick. New Years Eve was a little bit confusing for dad - he woke up at midnight to the sounds of police cars zooming by the window and he must have been dreaming because it really made him confused - he was up for a while trying to get settled back down. He did catch up on his rest some today. We took him off his sleeping pill three nights ago and think he may just be having some trouble with adjusting to that not in his system - so hopefully tonight we'll be past that 3 night period of adjustment and he will have a better night than the past 3 have been.

He has sat in his recliner most of the day. We may try to watch a movie with him in a little while -me, mom and him want to watch We Are Marshall. Mama is doing well - but by the end of the day she is exhausted, even with us here to assist her - there are just some things only mom can do and she just works so hard at caring for him.

Can't wait for dad to meet his physical therapist tomorrow. Also, his home health nurse should come to help mom with his bath. I'll let you know how his night goes with resting. When he doesn't rest well - it always impacts his thinking and ability to follow your instructions. Please pray that he will begin to rest better at night.

Thanks for all you prayers - we sure do need and appreciate each and every one of them!
Go Mountaineers tomorrow in the Fiesta Bowl!

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