Monday, August 30, 2010

Ready for Fall & Football

Well the hot summer is still burning us up and I think my mom and dad are ready for some fall weather so they can enjoy sitting out front again! Was so thrilled that my brother Tim was able to drive my mom and dad out to see my brother Tommy's son JT play in his season opener football game for Musselman High School. They only stayed for one half of play but in that time they got to see JT play so well, including running the ball a Touchdown! What a special evening that was for them! Dad and mom are both feeling good these days - not much new to report in the area of their health. Dad continues to be such a positive force to be reckoned with - seriously I didn't know the man could laugh as much as he does now. And for what he has been thru these past 3 years, that's a great thing to be able to say! Dad has really enjoyed some recent visits of his long-time best buddies (you know who you are!) Our family really appreciates each of you who takes time out of your busy lives to stop in for a quick visit - it means so very much to our parents. Dad talks about the visits for days.

Thank you for your continued prayers! love to all, mbb