Thursday, January 24, 2008

Nausea Returns - updated

It didn't take long for dad's nausea to return. . . his patch was removed Tuesday night when he was admitted to the new rehab facility and this morning the nausea has begun again. (If you didn't read the post that day, the reason they removed the patch was because their pharmacy & his new rehab doctor discovered that the patch and the potassium pills his been taking are contraindicated. . .meaning when using them together the patch delays the gastric emptying of the stomach – and could cause a very serious condition where it holds too much potassium – which could put him at high risk of heart attack.)

He did have a really good physical therapy evaluation and session yesterday at 4pm. Mom said he was exhausted last night, but still was able to enjoy a visit from Pam and her family (including one of his great -grandbabies!)

This morning mom said when she arrived at 8am, he was a little melancholy, but perked up after his bath and when his grandson Matt arrived to see him. He was able to go to speech therapy this morning, but threw up 2 times. His blood pressure has been low today too - it was only 87 over 59 this morning and we found out today that his weight is just 189. . . 80 lbs. lighter than the dad he had the stroke! We are hoping that the doctors are going to re-assess his medicines and figure out the best formula for his blood pressure and his nausea and get those 2 things stable once and for all! That's our prayer for dad - afterall. . . dad can't get in his therapy if his vitals keep fluctuating and he throws up every time they move him!

Still waiting to hear if dad made it to afternoon therapy - not sure. I'll be seeing him this evening and will give you another quick post then. Thanks for checking in! Just heard from mom - she said dad had great afternoon speech and physical therapy sessions. . . he was able to stand up in a supportive box for 2 minutes and mom said it made him feel so good. She said he has not had anymore nausea since they gave him a pill for it at lunchtime. She even asked me to bring them some Chik-fila tonight when we visit. Can't wait to see them! She said he feels like he accomplished a lot today. I'll post later if time permits.


Rene Haught said...

We continue to pray for Shug. Hopefully, the nausea will go away and he can get on with his therapy. God bless you all!

Unknown said...

Sounds like this new Rehab Facility was a great choice for Shug...Glad to hear he is making progress so fast...Our Prayers Are with You!

Love, The Hadley's