Monday, January 28, 2008

A Fantastic Day & Record Blood Drive!

Wow - thank you so much for coming out and supporting us at the Blood Drive in honor of dad! We had a record 100 people show up to give, and we collected 83 good units of blood - which equates to 249 people's lives who will be possiby saved by this one blood drive! We had 10 new donors, 2 of which were Dad's grand daughters. . . see their picture at right. Good job Michelle & Kristen!

Dad made a surprise visit around 5:15pm and stayed for an hour. He was so happy to see everyone, including his Pastor Kevin - he didn't want to let go of his hand (picture at left). Everyone at the drive wanted to shake dad's hand and hug him and he enjoyed every minute of it. It was so good to see so many friends, family and supporters come out to the drive. Dad was so emotional seeing you all there - and it meant the world to my mom to be there for a little while with him too. There were a lot of kids there who just couldn't wait to give Mr. Shug a high-five. It was a special Blood Drive too because most of our family was there to help in some way- thanks Sarah, Robby, Lexy, Rob, Pam & Kelly, Timmy & Josie, Heather & Kristen, Donald Greenwalt . . . it was an honor to serve along side each of you in some way!

We had such an amazing night! I really think it was good for dad, even though dad was exhausted within an hour. He had a long day with therapy and his new rehab doctor came to visit him today for the first time. We were thoroughly impressed with this doctor and his outlook for dad. He talked to dad very compassionately and frankly and really encouraged him. He explained to dad that not many people survive a stroke like the one he had and that must mean dad still has a purpose here. . . and it was his job to get him as close to his old self as possible so that he could return to doing the things he once loved. He encouraged us to begin taking dad back to church and to some other activities that may make him feel a part of our world. After meeting with his doctor today, we are definitely convinced we are at the right place for right now.

Thanks for your prayers & support! Love to all!

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