Saturday, January 26, 2008

Quiet Saturday

Hey folks, not much to report today. Dad had therapy this morning and has been resting the rest of the day. We visited him for a few hours this afternoon in between the boys basketball games and just took him some dinner on our way home. He has felt pretty good today and his blood pressure has been pretty good. No nausea for a couple days. He was a bit quiet today with me, but with the kids he is always his "high-fiving" self. Mom said she read the newspaper article to him about the Blood Drive Monday that was in the Journal today and it made them both very emotional. . . dad would always come to the blood drives after work to give and stay most of the evening, while mom was my right hand at the drive working the canteen. We are hoping that if dad is not too tired Monday after his therapy that we could bring him over to the Blood Drive maybe toward the end. That is just a possibility, not sure yet.

If you have a few minutes and can stop in to visit dad and mom - that would be great. It helps to pass the time for them when there is no therapy - like Saturday afternoons/evenings and Sundays. He is in room 149A - go thru the doors, take a right a the first main hallway, then go to the nurses station and take a left, and his room is all the way at the end on the left. Thanks for your prayers and support. . . we appreciate you all!

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