Thursday, October 25, 2007

Thurs. Oct 25 Afternoon UPDATE

Great news - dad is out of ICU! We arrived in his Neuro Unit room around 3:30pm. He is trying to adjust to a new setting and new team of nurses. Thanks to all of you for praying this step into action. What a good feeling to get out of the ICU. He is pretty confused today - a lot of different things happening to him with the move. I know so many people are anxious to see him, and I think after 24 hours on this floor to get him settled, by the weekend, he will probably be more up to a few visitors beyond the family. There has been no new progress in his clinical status - blood pressure is better, no real movement on his left side today, just a lot of confusion. This new room is very quiet - and I think once he adjusts to being here - he will sleep and be more comfortable - we are glad mom now has a couch in the room to rest on during her stay with him in the day - she can be with him all day now - she is doing so well thru all this - and she is such a wonderful nurse to him!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That is awesome news that Shug is doing much better....he is such a strong man with such kind words for everyone! It will be no time at all before he is out there greeting each of us with his warm welcoming smile!

Love and Prayers to You!
The Hadley's