Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Rehab Day 2 - Tues. Oct. 30 PM

Just got home from winchester. It's really hard to explain how hard this phase is. . .but it is emotionally more difficult than being in ICU. Dad was so glad to see us. I think he really missed us not being there during the day like we had been the last 2 weeks. He was worn out from therapy. He had a full day of speech, occupational and physical therapy. First thing he asked was how long the drive was to get home. He wanted to get on the road and head home and we could bring him back for his work tomorrow, he said. Oh how we wish we could do that. His speech was clearer early in the evening. And he really enjoyed spending some time with his Pastor, Kevin Green. Not really sure about any of his vitals thru out the day - unfortunately the floor was too busy while we were there to get that information. I have a feeling that this part of our journey is going to feel like an eternity. One day at a time is easy for us to say - but as dad told us all night - this is the hardest thing I have ever faced in my life. Pray for dad to be encouraged and filled with the strength that only his Creator can provide. . .and please pray for his speedy recovery so we can bring him home.

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