Sunday, February 17, 2008

Moms in hospital

Hey family and friends - we had a bit of a scare this evening. Mom has been fighting a terrible cold and today, she ended up in the ER and has been admitted to the hospital. She has pnuemonia, so they will be keeping her for a few days to help her get over it. I know some of you may have driven by mom & dad's and saw the ambulance in the driveway and were worried. . . so I will tell you this, but ask that you not talk to dad about how we found mama. He knows she has been sick and knows she is "under doctors care" for her pnuemonia, but he does not know the whole story of how she got to the hospital. After church, mom got dad settled back into his room and because she was so sick, she went home. I tried calling her all afternoon - but got no answer so we headed in town and dropped Robby off with my dad for the evening and we went to check on mom about 6pm. We found her in her garage - lying in her car. . . car door open, garage door open. . .her bags on the garage floor. She woke up when I called her name, but she could not get up and she was disoriented and running a fever, but her hands and feet were cold. We called the ambulance right away. They have run all kinds of tests and everything is good, but she does have pnuemonia. Thank God for Robby being with his pappy thru out the whole ordeal - neither of them knew about it - and they just enjoyed their evening watching tv so much. Rob said when he got to dad's room tonight -(i had stopped at the nurses station to explain about mama) - rob said that robby and dad were cutting up like 2 teenagers. Dad of course was worried about mom so I explained that we felt she needed to see a doctor and since the urgent care wasn't open on sunday, we took her to the ER. We did not tell him the whole story - it would be too much for him to bear. Please protect that information from him as well right now.

Please pray for us - mom will need to recover and get stronger and we will need to cover for her at Rehab with dad, while also caring for her at the hospital. But please know this - we are extremely grateful that this is just pneumonia and that this situation could have been so much worse. We found mom in time and she is getting the care she needs - and dad is glad that mom is getting some medical attention - he's been so worried about her. We need to pray that dad will stay strong, even without his "gal" beside him this week. Come visit dad this week and help us keep him distracted. God never gives us more than we can handle - and you know, even through difficult situations like these, our strength and peace and hope come from the Lord. We know he will carry us thru it all and one day very soon we will all be stronger, wiser and ready to tell the world about it!

1 comment:

Tim said...

Mary Beth,

We're so sorry to hear about your mom. We will pray that she recovers from the pneumonia quickly and can get back to keeping Shug company. I'm sure he misses her. We are praying that Shug continues to improve, and that his prayer to walk again is answered soon!