Friday, February 29, 2008

2 Victories Today!

We are so thankful to God today for 2 sweet victories! You guys must be sending up lots and lots of prayers to our heavenly Father because today he answered our prayers! Mom's stress test went well - her doctor was even there at the time and he said her test was not as good as the last time. . . but not bad enough to have the open heart surgery right now. So mom is so relieved and so are we, that she can hold off on this surgery for awhile. Her episode was a result of some "extreme" conditions and we are going to make sure she is not in those again. Praise God for that report - and dad was so happy that she passed the test!

Now for Dad - he is doing very well mentally- his mind is in the year 2008 again and he is 95% on target with everything, if not more. This afternoon, dad's therapist experimented with dad a bit and decided to take off the left leg brace to see if it would improve his mobility - and guess what - it did!!! It enabled him to walk to the end of the bars, turn around and walk back! He felt really good about it! He also lifted up his left arm in the air for Rob tonight showing off. He was very tired this evening. . . he had most of his therapy in the afternoon so when we left about 8pm, he was dozing off.

Keep sending up those requests for dad and mom - it's working. God we thank you tonight - our faith is increased - we know that we can come to you and let our requests be known and you will answer our prayers according to your will. We are so thrilled tonight that it was your will to make today a Great day with 2 Great victories!

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