Thursday, February 28, 2008

Back in the Saddle

Well - just a real quick post to let everyone know that I think dad is "back in the saddle" with his mind and body. He started off a little weak, but did finish strong. He still has not done any walking this week, but he is building up to it. He did a good bit of standing today and other exercises. . . but more importantly - his mind was very sound and solid today. Mom was a little better today, no fever. We had her rest a good bit of the day. She has her stress test in the morning and while I think she was really dreading it - now she just wants to get it over with. She is going to stay with us here for a few more days until she is really feeling better - we are a little nervous about her being alone right now after her episode 2 weeks ago.

Dad is so looking forward to the weekend and getting back to church. (Little Andrew buddy - if your mommy or daddy read this - Mr. Shug told me to tell you he is practicing shooting his webs to you for Sunday!) Thanks for all the continued love and support and prayers - that is what sustains us and keeps us going! You guys are so faithful and special to us!

Stay tuned! Believe with us that tomorrow mom will have a good report on her test and that dad will walk to the end of the bars!!!! "I can do all things thru Christ who strengthens me." Phillipians 4:13

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