Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Lots of Laughs!

The only way to explain yesterday was "lots of laughs". We took dad to Winchester for an appointment and it was a comedy of errors that left us laughing all day. We didn't even see the doctor - it seems we were sent there in "error" and on top of that - we went to the wrong office building and had the wrong appointment time. But thru it all - we enjoyed just being with dad and having some fun with him. He is doing so well with his thinking and talking and boy, has his humor taken on a new height! I just can not explain the difference in him this week compared to last week - you really need to visit him and see the difference. Yesterday his Speech Therapist said he answered every question he gave dad - and he would have to come up with all new ones for dad now that he's gotten so smart on him! (Dad incidently said the questions were "so dumb" that anyone could answer them! He doesn't realize that last week he missed almost all of them!) So we are really excited now because with dad's thinking and cognitive skills getting so good - he should be able to respond well to the physical & occupational therapy and won't that be an answer to prayer!!!!

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