Saturday, April 19, 2008

Weekend Update

Mom is still in ICU, but doing well. She may get out on the Cardiac Floor tomorrow but for now they have to keep a close watch on her blood pressure. She also still has the chest tube in for drainage, so that has to come out as well before she leaves ICU. She had an active day - she was up in her chair several times and I got to watch her take a little walk out around the nurses station. She got really tired, but she did it and I was so proud of her!

Dad is doing great. He misses mom, but he is coping well. I got the ICU nurses to call his cell phone from their portable phone on the Unit and he got to talk to mom for the first time since Wednesday - they both were relieved to hear each other's voices. Dad is looking forward to church in the morning and then hopefuly getting to visit mom if she gets into her new room.

On a bad note, my sister Pam fell this morning on her steps and broke her fibula bone just above her left ankle. She will be in a cast and on crutches now for several weeks! I guess if things really do happen in threes. . . then we are all done now!

We are scheduled to meet with dad's care plan team on Monday and at this point, we are planning to continue his program another 30 days and then assess where he is and where mom is and determine what is best for his therapy and recovery.

Thanks for all the support and love each of you have shown our family through out our journey the past 6 months! We love you!

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