Thursday, March 13, 2008

Thank Goodness for Friends

Dad is really getting itchy feet. He feels sort of trapped in there and that his progress is not moving along quick enough. Sounds like Shug huh! Impatient as the day is long! He was too tired to go to the boys games last night - and I think that discouraged him a bit. Thank Goodness for friends. . . tonight he had plenty visit him. Mom is not feeling well - she has a touch of what dad had last week. She went to see him this morning but then came home to my house and stayed the rest of the day and didn't go back into rehab because she felt so bad. Dad was really missing her - so when his boss Mark Rogers stopped in to visit with one of dad's special friends from his old route near Franklin, WV - that made dad's day! He was so glad to see Roy Bowers - and they had such a nice visit. Then his old friend and colleague Max Parkinson stopped in to encourage dad, along with dad's brother Calvin and Kelly. I got a call when I was out at the ballfield at baseball practice from dad - he was wondering where his dinner was! My sister Pam was filling in for mom and just hadn't gotten there yet. But I know he had a great visit with her and her husband Kelly and their granddaughter Brynna as well.

I am going to go pick him up in the morning and take him to a dentist appointment. He is really looking forward to getting out for that. We will also be able to get him to church this weekend since he is feeling better. . . so that should help him to get out of there for a little bit. I think he has a serious case of cabin fever - and who wouldn't??? He sounded really sad when I told him we were at the little league field tonight - he loves being out there. But we just have to believe that he will be out there and that this month he will make some major progress in his strength and stability!

Keep him in your prayers - we would love to take him home sooner than later!

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