Monday, March 31, 2008

Great Start To The Week

Dad had a great Sunday - got out to church and greeted at the door! Then mom said he slept most of the day. He has been enjoying so many wonderful visitors lately... so many, I can't name them all - but i assure you that it's not been too much - it's all been great therapy for him to see each and every one of you - it really boosts his morale and keeps him focussed on getting better and getting out of there!

I dropped mom off this morning and she has been with him most of the day. She said he had another great dad in therapy - mainly they are working on getting dad stronger in his standing and just overall strengthening his muscles through exercise. Tomorrow we'll take him to an appointment in Winchester to see his Neurologist. Next week - April 9th is mom's appointment with the heart surgeon to learn when they will do her surgery. She is feeling pretty good these days so I think she will be prepared for it all.

Thanks for checking in! Keep lifting those prayers to heaven!

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