Wow - it's amazing and incredible and inspiring. . . mom & dad have been married 50 years today! We are so blessed to have such wonderful role models in our parents. . . "in sickness and in health. . . for richer or poorer. . .to death do us part." They are the ultimate example of a love that lasts a lifetime. Me and my family went in there house for a visit this afternoon and sat out side for a while watching the cars and trains go by (that's where the picture was taken) and then we ordered Outback to go. . . thanks to an anniversary gift certificate given to them by my in-laws (thanks Sallie & Bob!). We ordered some yummy steaks and enjoyed a great dinner at the table. . . then sat outside until dad had sweatbeads falling down his face and then it was time for the cool indoors. (I don't think they have any idea that we are planning a special celebration for them tomorrow with their families. I know they will be surprised. We told them that we were having a family picnic tomorrow evening to celebrate their anniversary all together - but they think it's just their children.. . they don't know we've invited their sisters & brothers and our pastoral staff to help them renew their vows. Plus we had a wedding cake made for them too. I hope dad holds up - his foot is still bothering him, it's swollen a bit and warm to touch. Tylenol every 4 hours does help.) We are praying for good weather and a good bill of health tomorrow!
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