Mom saw her heart surgeon on Wednesday and was officially "released". He said she had healed nicely and that she had reached all her goals. She will continue Cardiac Rehab at the Wellness Center still until she has reached her goals there. She looks and feels great - she is amazing. . . what a life changing surgery that was!
As for dad, he too has had a wonderful week. He went to the doctor on Monday to just check out his swelling in his feet and tenderness. . . doc agrees its the arthritus flairing up so for now we'll just take Tylenol for that pain until he can convince the insurance company dad needs to be on celebrex for the arthritic condition. Dad had therapy 3x each for physical and occupational. Today his OT told me he did great - he put his t-shirt on all by himself! (He told me not to tell mom - he was afraid he'd have to start doing more work at home - laughing of course. . . because he is thrilled that he can do something for himself now). I noticed today how much stronger dad seems to be getting in his trunk area. He is lifting himself up well when we dress him and he is getting more flexible and sitting much better. He said he likes all his therapists and feels he is doing well there.
Thanks for checking in - we are still praying and believing for more progress in therapy and a mirac

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