Well I have some great news to pass on to you today about dad. . . he passed his first 30 day test with his Physical therapy. Every 30 days, medicare requires an evaluation of progress. They will only allow a patient to continue with rehab if they are showing measurable progress. His therapist today said that dad is definitely stronger than when he began and today was his very best day so far in therapy. His therapist told me that he shared with dad today the way the therapy process works - as far as medicare requirements for continuation of therapy - and it really seemed to "wake dad up" and motivate him. He asked the therapist what he needed to be doing at home to help get stronger. So that was a good sign he is ready to get down to business! Dad said to me afterward that he understands now how important it is to work hard at home to get stronger - he said to me - if I don't improve. . . the therapy ends and that means i will be in that bed the rest of my life. . . and that's not going to happen. Amen to that dad! His therapist also said to me that he feels that if he can significantly improve dad's strength in his torso that he can put a brace on his left leg and teach him to walk again in the future. We just need to stay focussed on that long term goal, while making continual improvements each 30 day period. . . it does not matter how long it takes. . . it just matters that we continue toward that goal. We were very excited today for dad and I know it gave him a lot of encouragement and motivation - please help us to continue encouraging him and believing in him.
Thanks for your continued support and love. . . we are on this journey together. . . it's not even close to being over!
This blog is designed to help keep everyone posted on the latest status of our father- as he recovers from a major stroke he suffered on Tuesday Oct. 16th, 2007.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Doing Well!
When we arrived back in Martinsburg last night - we couldn't wait to stop by and see my parents. They are doing well - and we caught up with them on everything. Mom's eye is just in the purple bruise stage, but healing. Dad seemed well. . . and looked handsome (pam had cut his hair!). We got him up in his chair and they all sat outside with my oldest son Robby and my brother Tim who came in to get dad tucked in later. We headed home to unpack and Robby stayed to watch the Orioles -Yankees game with pap & granny. Dad has therapy this afternoon so when I take him, I am going to ask how they feel he is progressing and give you a report.
During our trip to Virginia Beach, we had the opportunity to attend WAVE church Sunday evening. . . which is our network church. We were blessed by an awesome message from Pastor Steve Kelly as one of his points was to "be patient" and let's God's timing prevail. Never stop believing and asking God for what you want, as long as it lines up with the will of God. So my son Robby couldn't wait to come home and share the message with his pappy. Another point was that it's important to watch what we speak - there is a scripture that says "with the tongue - we can speak life or death". . . we need to make sure in dad's situation that he and everyone that surrounds him continues to speak life. . . always focusing on what we are still believing God to do. . . just because God has not healed dad completely of his paralysis does not mean that it's not in the cards - there is nothing in the Bible that says God's miracles had a certain time frame. In fact, it took Job quite a lot of suffering before God turned his life around and blessed him 2-fold. . . please please please keep the faith with us that in God's time, dad will be fully restored to his former glory. . . as long as we believe it. . .the dream will stay alive and God will hear our prayers!
During our trip to Virginia Beach, we had the opportunity to attend WAVE church Sunday evening. . . which is our network church. We were blessed by an awesome message from Pastor Steve Kelly as one of his points was to "be patient" and let's God's timing prevail. Never stop believing and asking God for what you want, as long as it lines up with the will of God. So my son Robby couldn't wait to come home and share the message with his pappy. Another point was that it's important to watch what we speak - there is a scripture that says "with the tongue - we can speak life or death". . . we need to make sure in dad's situation that he and everyone that surrounds him continues to speak life. . . always focusing on what we are still believing God to do. . . just because God has not healed dad completely of his paralysis does not mean that it's not in the cards - there is nothing in the Bible that says God's miracles had a certain time frame. In fact, it took Job quite a lot of suffering before God turned his life around and blessed him 2-fold. . . please please please keep the faith with us that in God's time, dad will be fully restored to his former glory. . . as long as we believe it. . .the dream will stay alive and God will hear our prayers!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Enjoying Summer
I have been out of town for a few days with my husband rob and kids for a short vacation, so I am just sending a quick post to let you know that my parents are doing great. I have talked to them about 3 times a day and all seems well! Dad had a great day at therapy Friday as did mom. Dad says her eye bruise is starting to fade away. . .he laughs every time he talks about it. I miss them terribly - but am trying to enjoy some downtime with my clan... we are having a good time at Virginia Beach - weather is gorgeous. When I ran on the boardwalk this morning - I just kept praying for my dad and for a miracle healing on his left side - keep believing with us!
love to all!
love to all!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Mom's Goose Egg
Hello everyone. . . it's the mid-way point of the week and today was definitely "hump" day for mom & dad! Mom has her cardiac rehab over at the Wellness Center every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9am to 10am. And today dad's therapy was scheduled for 9:30, so we got dad up and in his chair early so mom could take off and I took dad to my office for about a half hour or so. He hadn't seen my associate Tara since his stroke and they had a nice visit. Then we headed to therapy - I can really tell Dad is trying to get better - he is always working on little exercises on the way there and leaning over and back to work on his flexibility before we get there. He said they really worked him hard today. . . his PT had him do his regular stuff, standing at the bars, and his OT really work with him hard too - he had 2 good sessions today he said. Right after we got there, I dropped him off and I decided to go see mom down the hall doing her therapy on my way out. I'm glad I did because to my big surprise, there she was on the treadmill - and what did she have on her eye, but a huge goose egg! She had slipped outside on the sidewalk on her way in and fell head first on her eye! She has a terrible lump above her eye and a few scratches on her face and head. She was surprisingly coherent and eager to do her therapy - she did almost all of it, just 2 miles short on her treadmill. They told us to have her ice it down every 2 hours. So she did. She wasn't feeling the best this evening - I think the day had caught up to her. . . but dad says she is fine when I called to check in. I am going to see her first thing in the morning to check again. I was worried how dad would react when he saw her. . .we decided it would be best not to tell him til I got him home from therapy. So when we finally brought it to his attention (her hair covers it pretty well). . . he had to laugh- whew! We kinda told it to him light heartedly, like "would you believe what mom did this morning - she was being clumsy like me.. . she slipped and fell and got herself a goose - egg". I was afraid he would cry if we were too serious or worried about it with him -I was afraid he'd feel guilty for not being able to help her. I am hoping and praying she heals quickly!
Monday, July 21, 2008
Eating Out - Living & Loving
We took dad out Saturday to eat at a restaurant for the first time since his stroke. He was a little nervous, but he really wanted to support his friends the Greenwalts by trying out their new place - Wow! What a Restaurant! So we packed up the Blair gang into dad's van and headed down there. We had a great time and other than the fact that dad spilled his drink all over him at the end - we did pretty good! I tell you that part because it's actually a good thing. . . he is really trying to use his left hand and arm more often - now his version is that it "got in the way". . . but the truth is, he is working harder and harder to make it useful. That's a good thing! His therapy is going well - at least I think so - I don't nose around when he's there. . . I just drop him off and go. He likes to work hard without the distraction of thinking of us waiting for him. He feels better knowing we're doing something useful while he's hard at work. He tells me that he is continuing his work with standing at the bars and his OT is really working to teach him to do things independently as well. . . he is now back to wearing the sling for his left arm. . . these therapists feel strongly it will reduce the tenderness and soreness he complains of from that shoulder - when it is not in the sling, it hangs and it's like a water-logged arm so to speak. This will keep it in place when he is not exercising it - and take the extra weight off that shoulder muscle. He is really hoping to get his "handicap accessible bathroom" finished soon - he talks about it to me a lot. . . he wants to take a real shower and be able to wheel up to a vanity with a mirror and brush his teeth and hair again. We are hoping we can get that scheduled and completed by the end of summer. I think that will really help dad to feel more like normal.
One thing is for sure - his sense of laughter and living and loving is a strong as can be. He keeps such a great spirit about everything and we try to do as much as he can. We get him outside every evening and last night he went up to Pam's to sit out by the pool and watch his great-granddaughter "tool" around and play. Mom is doing so well - I just Praise God everytime I see how well she is. . . that surgery has given my mom her endurance and stamina and love for life back.
We pray every day that as we go thru this season in our lives, that we may find something good to hang on to and be thankful for. . . we have so much more than others. . . no matter what the future holds for dad's ability to walk again, we will never give up believing that God can do all things - and while healing dad would be easy for God if that is what the testimony of dad's life is supposed to be. . . we also consider that his testimony may be to bring encouragement to others by showing them that in the midst of having your world turned up side down. . . that life can still be wonderful. . .either way, we'll accept the mission God gives us!
One thing is for sure - his sense of laughter and living and loving is a strong as can be. He keeps such a great spirit about everything and we try to do as much as he can. We get him outside every evening and last night he went up to Pam's to sit out by the pool and watch his great-granddaughter "tool" around and play. Mom is doing so well - I just Praise God everytime I see how well she is. . . that surgery has given my mom her endurance and stamina and love for life back.
We pray every day that as we go thru this season in our lives, that we may find something good to hang on to and be thankful for. . . we have so much more than others. . . no matter what the future holds for dad's ability to walk again, we will never give up believing that God can do all things - and while healing dad would be easy for God if that is what the testimony of dad's life is supposed to be. . . we also consider that his testimony may be to bring encouragement to others by showing them that in the midst of having your world turned up side down. . . that life can still be wonderful. . .either way, we'll accept the mission God gives us!
Friday, July 18, 2008
A great week!

Mom saw her heart surgeon on Wednesday and was officially "released". He said she had healed nicely and that she had reached all her goals. She will continue Cardiac Rehab at the Wellness Center still until she has reached her goals there. She looks and feels great - she is amazing. . . what a life changing surgery that was!
As for dad, he too has had a wonderful week. He went to the doctor on Monday to just check out his swelling in his feet and tenderness. . . doc agrees its the arthritus flairing up so for now we'll just take Tylenol for that pain until he can convince the insurance company dad needs to be on celebrex for the arthritic condition. Dad had therapy 3x each for physical and occupational. Today his OT told me he did great - he put his t-shirt on all by himself! (He told me not to tell mom - he was afraid he'd have to start doing more work at home - laughing of course. . . because he is thrilled that he can do something for himself now). I noticed today how much stronger dad seems to be getting in his trunk area. He is lifting himself up well when we dress him and he is getting more flexible and sitting much better. He said he likes all his therapists and feels he is doing well there.
Thanks for checking in - we are still praying and believing for more progress in therapy and a mirac

Monday, July 14, 2008
Surprise 50th Celebration!

No storm was going to rain on our parade! Although it was looking bleak for a while as guests began piling into my sisters house. . when Mom & Dad arrived. . . the rain started to fizzle away and they were thoroughly surprised to be greeted yesterday by a crowd of about 100 people. . . a mix of their sisters & brothers, nieces & nephews to their children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and the pastoral staff of our church. They rain stayed away long enough for us to enjoy a great meal together and after that we surprised them again as our Youth Pastor Danny Sullivan sang a very special song, followed by Pastor Kevin Green telling them that he was honored to help them renew their marriage vows. Dad had a difficult time getting thru hi

Thanks to everyone in the family who was able to make the event. . .they were so blessed. He loved having

Today we take him for a doctors appointment regarding the arthritis in his foot that is swollen & painful. . . hopefully to get him back on the meds that help with that. Tomorrow he starts up his therapy again - he will have back to back therapies (physical & occupational therapy) in the afternoon. We'll keep you posted!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Happy Anniversary - 50 Golden Years!

Wow - it's amazing and incredible and inspiring. . . mom & dad have been married 50 years today! We are so blessed to have such wonderful role models in our parents. . . "in sickness and in health. . . for richer or poorer. . .to death do us part." They are the ultimate example of a love that lasts a lifetime. Me and my family went in there house for a visit this afternoon and sat out side for a while watching the cars and trains go by (that's where the picture was taken) and then we ordered Outback to go. . . thanks to an anniversary gift certificate given to them by my in-laws (thanks Sallie & Bob!). We ordered some yummy steaks and enjoyed a great dinner at the table. . . then sat outside until dad had sweatbeads falling down his face and then it was time for the cool indoors. (I don't think they have any idea that we are planning a special celebration for them tomorrow with their families. I know they will be surprised. We told them that we were having a family picnic tomorrow evening to celebrate their anniversary all together - but they think it's just their children.. . they don't know we've invited their sisters & brothers and our pastoral staff to help them renew their vows. Plus we had a wedding cake made for them too. I hope dad holds up - his foot is still bothering him, it's swollen a bit and warm to touch. Tylenol every 4 hours does help.) We are praying for good weather and a good bill of health tomorrow!
Friday, July 11, 2008
Therapy Day
Dad had physical therapy at 11 am and then they were able to fit in his occupational therapy evaluation right after so we don't have to go back at 5:15 now. He did really well - they were surprised with how much strength his does have in his left arm - some how they were given the impression that he had no movement on the left side. . . not sure who gave that false info. but anyway, they are setting dad up for 3 days of occupational therapy per week, that will run back to back with his physical therapy. They will set some reasonable weekly goals for dad and if he is able to at least meet 6% of that goal weekly, he can continue rehab there. We are excited for dad - it feels like we have "new blood" so to speak, working with him now and I feel like these therapists really have hope for dad. We'll be praying!
Yesterday dad's right foot was bothering him some. We are going to watch it over the weekend and keep him on some pain medicine like Tylenol for it, then we have an appointment with Dr. Phares on Monday to let him see it. . .they had taken him off of a medication that helps with arthritis and I think maybe he still needs that medicine. . . we'll see what happens.
Tomorrow is Mom & Dad's 50th Wedding anniversary. We'll probably celebrate with some Outback to go. . . and then we have a "surprise" family gathering planned for them on Sunday at my sisters. They think it's gonna just be us, but we've have tried to get word out to all of mom's siblings and all of dad's siblings as well. . . so I think they will be surprised to see everyone.
Please join us in prayer to believe for miraculous things to happen with dad's new therapy!
Yesterday dad's right foot was bothering him some. We are going to watch it over the weekend and keep him on some pain medicine like Tylenol for it, then we have an appointment with Dr. Phares on Monday to let him see it. . .they had taken him off of a medication that helps with arthritis and I think maybe he still needs that medicine. . . we'll see what happens.
Tomorrow is Mom & Dad's 50th Wedding anniversary. We'll probably celebrate with some Outback to go. . . and then we have a "surprise" family gathering planned for them on Sunday at my sisters. They think it's gonna just be us, but we've have tried to get word out to all of mom's siblings and all of dad's siblings as well. . . so I think they will be surprised to see everyone.
Please join us in prayer to believe for miraculous things to happen with dad's new therapy!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Mid-Week Report
Dad had a great day at therapy Wednesday. My son Robby & I took him there. . . he did a lot of exercises to help his flexibility and strengthen his muscles and they always finish with him standing at the parallel bars. . . they help him to a stand about 3 times. I think he is feeling a little bit of the results of exercise this week - but he refuses to take even a tylenol for the aches because he says his stomach is fighting enough over the current load of pills he takes! Today he and Robby are sitting outside in the front yard watchin' planes - trains & automobiles! He has Physical Therapy again tomorrow morning and then tomorrow around 5pm he will go back to the Wellness Center for an occupational therapy evaluation - then we can add that this his therapy schedule next week! This week dad has battled a little bit of "melancholy" over things. . . I guess me turning 40, he & mom celebrating 50 years of marriage saturday and he can't do things the way he would have before. . . I think being in that bed watching tv is starting to "get to him" a bit more. . . he used to be in therapy all day. . . now we go just 3 days a week for an hour. . . so we are trying to adjust to a new way of life. . . he wanted me to read some of the blog to him this week. . . I did read some, but it made him too sad, so I had to stop. Please try to stop by and enjoy a laugh or two with dad and mom if you can- they are almost always home- if the van's there. . .he's there!
Have a great week! MBB
Have a great week! MBB
Monday, July 7, 2008
His Baby is 40!

Dad is scheduled for therapy Wednesday and Friday of this week. . . and mom returns to Cardia Rehab on those days as well. We are still waiting and hoping for them to add occupational therapy to dad's physical therapy so they can focus on that left arm. . . hopefully by Wednesday.
Thanks for checking in!
Saturday, July 5, 2008
An "All-Star" Day!

Friday, July 4, 2008
Blessed on the 4th

What an awesome July 4th we had with dad! As we celebrated our freedom - we felt blessed in so many ways. . . blessed to live in a free country and blessed to be al

Most of mom's family gathered over at my mom's brother's house for the annual "Sowers" get together. Most everyone from mom's family was there. . .and dad really enjoyed the day visiting and cracking jokes with everyone. ABOVE LEFT Dad is hanging out with my oldest brother Dave (at right with the shades on his head) and at left behind him is my other brother Timmy, and on dad's lap is his great-grandson Barham (we call him Bear). In the picture RIGHT ABOVE, dad is enjoying some time with mom's younger sister Patty and her daughter Shelly. As you can see dad was all smiles. . . being with your family is good medicine. Dad also really enjoyed talking to my cousin Nate Sowers about the upcoming WVU football season. . . my boys were happy to get an "insider's report" on what we might expect this fall season. Dad spent the afternoon watching the kids swim, eating lots of yummy food and catching up on life with everyone! We were able to stay from about 12 noon til 3:30 and then dad got tired and it started to rain so we headed home. Needless to say, he took a long nap! Tomorrow we are going to head to the baseball field if the game doesn't get rained out. We know we'll see tons of local folks he hasn't gotten to see in so long, but we are also gonna have our eyes out for any folks from Pendleton County who we will be playing. . . dad had a route over there and has a bunch of friends out that way so we are wondering if any have 9/10 year old all-stars who are traveling might be friends of dads? We'll let you all know!
Thanks for taking time to check in - have a safe and blessed July 4th weekend! (P.S. Dick Harmison. . .if you are still reading this blog.. . give my dad a call at 304.263.5843. . . my uncle Tommy was telling him about you visiting him at Winchester Rehab and his memory is not good from that time during his stroke recovery period. . .He would love to hear from you!)
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Great Day of Therapy!
Dad had his first day of Physical Therapy at the Wellness Center Rehab facility on the WVUH-East campus today. It went great. I saw them help him stand to his feet up at the parallel bars and work on his balance of standing there. Having been out of this kind of therapy for a month, he was a bit shaky but he enjoyed every minute of being on his feet again. He asked me afterward when is his next appointment cause he really likes working out like this. He was a bit nervous going there - unsure of what these therapists would be like or what they would work with him on. . . but now the mystery is solved and he feels relieved and excited about the future of working out there among people he knows. Again, we saw all kinds of folks we know and grew up with - one of his old friends was there having therapy too. It's really a great place for him to be. I feel good about use being there. We went back and had lunch together at their house. Now he is looking forward to the picnic tomorrow at Uncle Tommy & Aunt Becky Sowers house. . . hopefully he will have a good day and be able to stay in his chair a long time and enjoy his family. Then Saturday we are taking him to a baseball game at the Little League field and then Sunday we'll be off to church - so we have 3 full days ahead of us and then therapy again on Monday! Looking forward to a great weekend - happy 4th of July to you all! (P.S. Mom & Dad will be celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary Saturday, July 12th - if you get a chance, send them a card this week!)
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