We had a very good weekend, seemed to go by fast. Dad was worn out on Saturday because he had such an active day on Friday. He rested most of the day Saturday. Sunday he enjoyed his weekly greeting post at the front door at church and as you can tell from this picture - he is surrounded by those who love him so dearly - the kids! This day is the one he looks forward to most through out the week. . . seeing his friends, worshiping God and being encouraged by the Word of God. It's always an uplifting day for dad. He is still on the "homebound" status, but we are working changing that when we get the outpatient therapy lined up and a private aide lined up to help with his bathing. We are looking forward to soon being able to take dad where-ever we want, whenever we want. He gets outside most every day now and enjoys watching the traffic go by. . . if you are in the neighborhood - be sure to look their way and stop by if you can to say hello! They love that! We are doing well overall. We are getting ready to celebrate a huge milestone for mom & dad. . . their 50th wedding anniversary is coming up July 12th! Pam and I are taking the van to Frederick Friday to have a "safety system" installed in it so that we can really keep dad more secured in the vehicle. . . the current situation is okay-but not good enough. We are still trying to make some head way on the bathroom. . . hoping to get that project started soon cause it will really help with dad's hygiene. We hope to see you all soon!
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