I just left mom & dad's after getting dad in his chair to enjoy the beautiful weather we are having today and we have determined that is is time for some change. . .on to bigger and better things! Dad is continuing to do excellent in his home care setting, however, he is "starving" for activity beyond what they can provide him thru in-home physical therapy. With that in mind, his home health nurse is planning to meet with his care team and determine when they can discharge him from home-bound status to outpatient status. When that happens, we lose all the in-home services, but at this point, all we will need to put into place is an aide maybe 3 times a week to help bathe him and then we can take him to the McCormick Center for his regular blood work. He will enjoy that! So we are hoping that when we make "the break" from homebound status - that he can begin a new therapy program nearby at the Wellness Center that will pick up where they left off at Heartland and we can move toward our ultimate goal for dad - which is to walk again one day. The dream and desire is still well alive in his heart and we will do anything to see that it happens or that we have tried every measure available. Never stop believin'! His home health nurse said today that we are doing a very good job of caring for dad and he is very fortunate to have the support of a family like ours to help him live such a good quality of life. Nothing but the best for our Shug!
Dad's spirits have been good, except when he thinks about some of the things he has been missing out on this past month. . . he was unable to attend the graduation ceremony and party for one of his grandchildren - he has never missed one before. It makes him break down in tears every time he thinks about missing my brother Tommy's daughter Kristin's high school graduation and family celebration afterward. So we are now trying to get his focus on is being excited about getting to go to our July 4th family picnic at my Aunt Becky & Uncle Tom's house. . . seeing all mom's family - it's always such an awesome time together. And we are thinking of trying to get him to some of the All-star games of his grandchildren. . . so now we have some things to look forward to.
Last night on the local news, he saw a news story about this new technology being tested in Washington County Hospital for stroke patients who are left with partial paralysis - and how it is helping them to walk again - of course he wants to see if he is a candidate for that type of technology cause the man just wants to walk again! Be in prayer with us for these goals of dad's- we truly believe it is a miracle that he is even alive, but we know that his best days are still ahead! We love you all! Stop in and see the folks - they love company!!!!
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