I can tell you that even in this most difficult time with our parents illnesses - our family is staying strong. We understand that bad things, bad health happens to good people, even God's people. In the midst of this storm - we choose to focus on the good - the blessing of it all. . . and that is simple - our dad is making baby steps every day and our mom- she's alive today. . . and who knows what might have happened if so many other variables had taken place. We are blessed. . . and we know that although we are hitting some bumps in the road - we know our parents are resilient and strong in their faith - and by no means have either of them given up - we are just in a season of mending and healing.

Today dad was blessed by a special visit with his doctor in the lobby of the rehab facility. They had a nice conversation, dad showed him how much he could move his left shoulder, hand and foot, but dad said - Dr. I need to get these legs working again. . . they used to be so strong. And my arm - it was really strong. The doctor told dad that he was doing excellent and making great strides and to give the therapy time. Dad was really encouraged by this conversation and he knows that even though he can't get up and run yet. . .he sure does want to try hard every day to learn how to! Robby and I spent the morning with dad and got to watch him trying to learn to walk again - he wanted you all to see him on his feet. . . check out the picture!
1 comment:
Thank you MB for the updates and the pictures. Our family is keeping your family in our prayers. It was so wonderful to see Shug in church again this Sunday. Praying your Mom will be back at his side very soon. We love you! Jody and family
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