Hey everyone! Just left dad's room and he's doing well. He always enjoys time with the grand kids. We took him a milkshake and he liked that. He was cracking us up tonight because he was "smoking" us out of the room with his "gas." He thought that was funny. He was telling me about his therapy tonight - how it feels to be on his feet and taking steps - he was saying he just can't get over how hard it is to re-learn all of this. . . he just doesn't understand why he has so much trouble. He likes walking though because he said - "that's the first thing I want to do in the morning tomorrow is some more walking". He gets down on himself because he doesn't do as well as he wants to - but that's just his impatience coming out I guess. He says he just doesn't know how to make that left leg move on its own. We were practicing counting coins with him tonight and he did it well. He said he got 100%s on his tests today- I assume that was with his speech therapist - they do a lot of testing on memory, recall and handwriting and money handling! He was telling me how much he likes his therapists and the staff there. They are so good to him, he said. He was telling me how he tries "pulling their leg." Who's surprised about that??
Well we will be trying to take dad to church again Sunday - he is always asking when the next event is and when are we taking him again. So hopefully we'll get the van and be able to. If you get a chance to stop in this weekend to see him - I know he would appreciate it - mom's feeling a little sick and may not make it in as much - so if we can help him pass the time - he won't miss her so much!
Thanks for your continued love, support and prayers!
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