Tuesday, February 19, 2008

A Turning Point Day

Let's start off this report with an awesome praise report - dad had a turning point day in therapy. He was so proud of himself - he felt so good about his therapy - he was so full of emotions. He couldn't stop talking about it the whole day! He was in therapy from early on before 8am and lasted until noon. But his proudest moment was when he walked (assisted at the parallel bars) from the beginning of the bars to the end and turned around. He said it was such a great accomplishment. I just can not explain how encouraged dad was. . . not to mention tired! He really worked hard today. . . and the therapists said that he had them almost in tears. He was so happy he was "choked up" with them and said he couldn't wait to tell his wife. We can't wait to see how this important day impacts his therapy from here out. . . his words exactly were "today was a turning point in my therapy - I can't believe I finally did that." He asked me to tell everyone who has been praying - thank you so much - it worked!

Now for mom's report. She is still at City Hospital - room 634A. Her pnuemonia is getting a bit better, she's just so tired and her chest really hurts from coughing. She is still on the heart monitor and this morning I met with her heart doctor and he could explained what they are planning. A little history - about a year ago, mom was diagnosed with "aortic valve stenosis" - which is basically a narrowing of the heart valve, which causes blood flow issues in her heart. They had told her then that within 5 years she would have to have it replaced. This fainting episode in the garage Sunday gives them enough reason to be concerned that her valve condition could have worsened - so they have taken her off her blood thinner medication and are waiting on her INR to get down to 1.1 or lower - that could happen as soon as Wednesday morning or Thursday at latest and at that point they will transport her to Winchester Medical Center to have a heart catherization to determine what the status of aortic valve condition is. We should know right away if they need to address it or not.

Dad knows mom is having a heart cath Wednesday or Thursday - and he seems okay about it. He still doesn't know about the fainting spell in the garage. We have been all taking shifts with dad to make sure he is well cared for while mom is in the hospital. We may need to call on some of our friends and family to help us keep dad company while we are taking care of mom in Winchester.

We are praying for God's will for this whole situation - mom is at peace with it all and just wants to be better, whatever it takes. We need double the coverage with prayers now for mom and dad - but we do serve a BIG GOD so nothing is too big for him - right???

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