We are so thankful to God today for 2 sweet victories! You guys must be sending up lots and lots of prayers to our heavenly Father because today he answered our prayers! Mom's stress test went well - her doctor was even there at the time and he said her test was not as good as the last time. . . but not bad enough to have the open heart surgery right now. So mom is so relieved and so are we, that she can hold off on this surgery for awhile. Her episode was a result of some "extreme" conditions and we are going to make sure she is not in those again. Praise God for that report - and dad was so happy that she passed the test!
Now for Dad - he is doing very well mentally- his mind is in the year 2008 again and he is 95% on target with everything, if not more. This afternoon, dad's therapist experimented with dad a bit and decided to take off the left leg brace to see if it would improve his mobility - and guess what - it did!!! It enabled him to walk to the end of the bars, turn around and walk back! He felt really good about it! He also lifted up his left arm in the air for Rob tonight showing off. He was very tired this evening. . . he had most of his therapy in the afternoon so when we left about 8pm, he was dozing off.
Keep sending up those requests for dad and mom - it's working. God we thank you tonight - our faith is increased - we know that we can come to you and let our requests be known and you will answer our prayers according to your will. We are so thrilled tonight that it was your will to make today a Great day with 2 Great victories!
This blog is designed to help keep everyone posted on the latest status of our father- as he recovers from a major stroke he suffered on Tuesday Oct. 16th, 2007.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Back in the Saddle
Well - just a real quick post to let everyone know that I think dad is "back in the saddle" with his mind and body. He started off a little weak, but did finish strong. He still has not done any walking this week, but he is building up to it. He did a good bit of standing today and other exercises. . . but more importantly - his mind was very sound and solid today. Mom was a little better today, no fever. We had her rest a good bit of the day. She has her stress test in the morning and while I think she was really dreading it - now she just wants to get it over with. She is going to stay with us here for a few more days until she is really feeling better - we are a little nervous about her being alone right now after her episode 2 weeks ago.
Dad is so looking forward to the weekend and getting back to church. (Little Andrew buddy - if your mommy or daddy read this - Mr. Shug told me to tell you he is practicing shooting his webs to you for Sunday!) Thanks for all the continued love and support and prayers - that is what sustains us and keeps us going! You guys are so faithful and special to us!
Stay tuned! Believe with us that tomorrow mom will have a good report on her test and that dad will walk to the end of the bars!!!! "I can do all things thru Christ who strengthens me." Phillipians 4:13
Dad is so looking forward to the weekend and getting back to church. (Little Andrew buddy - if your mommy or daddy read this - Mr. Shug told me to tell you he is practicing shooting his webs to you for Sunday!) Thanks for all the continued love and support and prayers - that is what sustains us and keeps us going! You guys are so faithful and special to us!
Stay tuned! Believe with us that tomorrow mom will have a good report on her test and that dad will walk to the end of the bars!!!! "I can do all things thru Christ who strengthens me." Phillipians 4:13
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
A Little Confused-But Still Better
Well today was a pretty confusing day for dad, but he is definitely still feeling better medically speaking. His cold is all but gone and he did not have any nausea today. He did, however, have a good bit of confusion throughout the day. I really believe not getting out to church Sunday, being sick in his room for 4 days and just kinda being out of his routine for those days has affected him mentally. When mom and I arrived in the morning - he thought no one had been there to see him from his family for a day - we reminded him we had been there last night and then he did recall that. Then he was asking a lot of questions about his house - he wasn't sure if he remembered what his house looks like anymore. And then he was asking about getting paperwork together for Florida for Little League. He was still thinking he was the President of the Martinsburg League before he got sick. So - anyways, we spent some time talking him thru these confusing moments and I think we brought him back to present time. We mentioned that we would take him to see his house this weekend and when he woke up from his nap and finished afternoon therapy, they told us he got pretty upset because mom and I hadn't come to pick him up and take him home. He was calling her house looking for her - very worried about her they said. So we arrived with dinner for him and the kids to visit. . . and it wasn't long before we got him straightened out again. I think overall, this past weekend just took a toll on him and we just need to help him out of this "bad day" as they call it for stroke survivors - some days are just bad. That's all. I took dad a lot of scriptures today to encourage him - typed on papers and we went over and over them. . . we prayed over him at bedtime, after he and Robby finished listening to the Hedgesville - Jefferson game on the radio. His therapy was okay today - he is still a little weak from being in bed sick for a few days, but he did stand up several times and did all his exercises and other therapy. We are praying tomorrow he can begin to take some more steps again - to build his confidence back up - because he didn't remember walking to the end of the bars last week.
Mom is still not 100%. She spent the morning with him at therapy - then napped at my house in the afternoon. When she went back in this evening for dinner with him, she was tired and "chilling". So right now she is all wrapped up in blankets and took some medicine and we are watching American Idol together.
Mom is still not 100%. She spent the morning with him at therapy - then napped at my house in the afternoon. When she went back in this evening for dinner with him, she was tired and "chilling". So right now she is all wrapped up in blankets and took some medicine and we are watching American Idol together.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Rocky Start-But Finished Stronger
Well I have to say that today started off in the wrong direction - dad was sick at breakfast, not feeling the greatest and not wanting to even go to therapy. He did go, but didn't last very long and they sent him back to rest. They were able to get him to go back down to therapy in the afternoon - but I am uncertain how he did. Me and the kids took Granny to see him around 5:30 along with some dinner and he was a different man. He was happy to see the kids and glad we had brought dinner. He gobbled it up and slowly started to assume a more alert status. I made sure to share some scriptures with him and had some encouraging notes I had taken recently at church and he seemed to really listen and take it all in. I was trying to get him "re-focused" because he really seemed like he had given up this morning - he had a bad attitude. I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt if he was still really feeling bad, but it seemed like maybe he was being a little bit defiant. But tonight - he really seemed much, much better and was saying he was really hoping for a good day at therapy tomorrow. He was hoping that tomorrow was Sunday because he wanted to go to church!
He will be moving to another room tomorrow - it's Room 143A. The room he is in now just is not as compatible as we think he needs - the man is very kind, very quiet. . . but he has his own tv that he is "in control of" and it's usually very loud and no sports! Dad is missing his ESPN! But also, the room mate keeps his heat on 80 degrees! Talk about a sauna. . . furthermore, he is a long term resident and they want to put dad in with a short term patient who is in therapy.... it will make for a better situation we hope! Dad is already looking forward to watching the WVU Basketball game tomorrow night!
Mom is doing well, she is staying at my house for a couple of nights until her stress test on Friday morning. Keep praying for dad to walk and get stronger - and to just believe in himself!
He will be moving to another room tomorrow - it's Room 143A. The room he is in now just is not as compatible as we think he needs - the man is very kind, very quiet. . . but he has his own tv that he is "in control of" and it's usually very loud and no sports! Dad is missing his ESPN! But also, the room mate keeps his heat on 80 degrees! Talk about a sauna. . . furthermore, he is a long term resident and they want to put dad in with a short term patient who is in therapy.... it will make for a better situation we hope! Dad is already looking forward to watching the WVU Basketball game tomorrow night!
Mom is doing well, she is staying at my house for a couple of nights until her stress test on Friday morning. Keep praying for dad to walk and get stronger - and to just believe in himself!
Monday, February 25, 2008
2 Days of Blah
Well folks, so sorry for not posting sooner. I went to Charleston after church yesterday and did not have internet service until now. Anyway, dad has had 2 days of what I would describe as "blah". He has a chest cold and it has really kind of been a drag for him. He has been sleeping a good bit and just not feeling himself. He was not able to attend church Sunday and that really, really bummed him out. He said, "I can't believe I missed seeing all those people." He has been really sad about that ever since. But he said when he woke up Sunday, he just didn't feel like he could come feeling the way he did and afraid he might catch something on top of the cold. Today mom and Pam said he was also very, very quiet and withdrawn. He did not have the strength to even stand to do his walking. He did do some therapy - but very limited. So please pray with us that whatever is causing dad to feel this way, whether it's just the cold, or maybe it's some discouragement, or whatever. . . please pray with us that God will just get rid of it and help dad to get back the energy and determination he had last week! We don't want him to regress - we want him to progress! Pam did say he ate really well for them today though. . . he enjoyed some of mom's home cooking. So that is probably going to help get stronger. Mom is doing well, keeping rested, while spending time off and on through out the day with dad. I will take her for her stress test Friday morning and then she returns to the heart doctor again on March 10th.
Please try to stop and see dad if you can - since he didn't get out this past weekend, I think he could really use some encouragement from some personal visits throughout the week! Remember - he is in Room 147A now. Thanks everyone!
Please try to stop and see dad if you can - since he didn't get out this past weekend, I think he could really use some encouragement from some personal visits throughout the week! Remember - he is in Room 147A now. Thanks everyone!
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Mom's Home - Dad's Happy!

Well after a long day of waiting for doctors to release mom, she finally left Winchester Medical Center this afternoon. Lexy and I went to Rehab early and had breakfast with dad and took him to Saturday therapy. Then we headed to Winchester to wait for mom to be released. She wasn't released until after 3:30 - so my sister Pam came up to get her while we headed to our afternoon ballgames. Pam and mom got to dad's room around 5pm and he was so very happy to see her. He told me he wasn't going to let her go for awhile - can you see his arm around her in the picture. He's got his girl back!
They are planning to go to church in the morning to praise God for this week of victory in therapy - and blessing with mom getting better and returning home. Dad was feeling a little "woosy" this afternoon - but he had a flu shot Thursday and that's probably the culprit they said. He told us that nothing would keep him from going to church tomorrow! We pray tonight he is up to the trip out tomorrow morning for second service with mom!
Thanks for all of your prayers - we love you all. (By the way, mom will be scheduled for a stress test at the end of the week and then return to see her heart doctor in 2 weeks for a followup and instructions. We will be keeping close eyes on her the next week - staying with her and driving her where ever she needs to go. We need to pray for her to keep her "stress" level low!)
Friday, February 22, 2008
Dad Moved Rooms
Well I am one person who is glad this weather didn't get as tricky as the forecasters thought it might. Me and the kids headed in town to drop Robby off with pappy while I went to my office, and then ran some errands for mom and dad. Dad had a decent day at therapy - but not a "victory" day as he calls it because he couldn't make it all the way to the end of the bars. He did make it half way, it's just extremely difficult for him and his therapist said as his muscles get stronger he will do much better - so they finished up therapy with exercises and then Robby escorted him around the building for a while. They had to move dad to a different room today - with a new room mate who is a long term resident. Seems real nice, but boy does he keep that room hot! Not quite the match we had with Mr. Bill - but we'll make it work. We got dad all settled in and moved his things for him. But the room seems smaller - so not as much room for our "clan." Dad said, well I guess we won't be having any parties like we did last night for a while. (We had about 7 people in his room at one time - we had a really fun evening!) So dad is now in 147A. The reason he was moved is because 2 new patients were arriving from City Hospital and they are "infectious" and can not be placed with dad. So dad moved in with someone else. Dad said, "Well hopefully the next time I move, it will be to home!" Amen on that one dad!
Mom is still in Winchester Medical Center - maybe for the next day or so. They need her INR (therapeutic blood level) to be at 2.5 and this morning it was only 1.3. So we'll wait and watch and hopefully see what the doctors say in the morning - but its the weekend so who knows what will happen. Dad wants to see her so badly - we sure hope we can make that happen soon.
We are hoping to get the van so we can get dad to church Sunday -- even if mom is not up to going, I really think he will want to - or we may also get the van and take dad to Winchester to see mom depending on the weather. Thanks for checking in on us!
Mom is still in Winchester Medical Center - maybe for the next day or so. They need her INR (therapeutic blood level) to be at 2.5 and this morning it was only 1.3. So we'll wait and watch and hopefully see what the doctors say in the morning - but its the weekend so who knows what will happen. Dad wants to see her so badly - we sure hope we can make that happen soon.
We are hoping to get the van so we can get dad to church Sunday -- even if mom is not up to going, I really think he will want to - or we may also get the van and take dad to Winchester to see mom depending on the weather. Thanks for checking in on us!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Tests Results In
Hey everyone. . . it's been a long day and I know you guys are anxious to hear about mom's heart catherization test today. They did confirm that her aortic valve stenosis is now "severe", and will need replaced thru open heart surgery, however, they will not be sure of how soon or when until they do a stress test on her in a few weeks. They want to determine the level of stress her valve can withstand to determine how much longer the can wait to do the surgery. They also want her to recover completely from the touch of pneumonia she had and really build up her strength since this is a major surgery. So we at least have an answer to her fainting episode on Sunday - the overwhelming stress and illness was too much for her heart to bear with the valve narrowing condition she has. She will remain in Winchester Medical Center for a couple of days while they return her blood levels to a safe place with her coumadin meds. So we hope to get her out over the weekend and get her home to continue recovering from this traumatic week. Dad can't wait to see her - he has talked to her and knows that she does not have to have surgery now - we didn't even discuss with him that she may have to schedule in the next month or two. . . because maybe she will get longer to wait to have it and we don't want to stress dad out any more than he already is - right?
Dad had a good day - I stopped by with "real bacon" about 7:30 this morning and we had a nice breakfast and then he went to therapy for the morning. He was in good spirits. We called my brother David and my nephew J.T. (Tommy's son) who both have a birthday today - and dad sang happy birthday to both of them on the phone - and he sounded so good! I am on my way to see him now and say good night to him. My brother Tommy took him lunch and said that dad was a little discouraged about his progress today - he didn't think he did as well. But every day is not always going to be a break thru day - so I am sure he did fine and he may have been a little distracted thinking about mom having the testing today.
If anyone would like to visit mom - she is in Room 373 in Winchester and her phone number is 540-536-1373. Thanks for your continued prayers and support. We are feeling very blessed today - we are so glad mom will have a chance to recover and feel stronger before taking on any thing else. We promise to take extra good care of her from this point forward - and make sure she does not over do it again. Blessings!
Dad had a good day - I stopped by with "real bacon" about 7:30 this morning and we had a nice breakfast and then he went to therapy for the morning. He was in good spirits. We called my brother David and my nephew J.T. (Tommy's son) who both have a birthday today - and dad sang happy birthday to both of them on the phone - and he sounded so good! I am on my way to see him now and say good night to him. My brother Tommy took him lunch and said that dad was a little discouraged about his progress today - he didn't think he did as well. But every day is not always going to be a break thru day - so I am sure he did fine and he may have been a little distracted thinking about mom having the testing today.
If anyone would like to visit mom - she is in Room 373 in Winchester and her phone number is 540-536-1373. Thanks for your continued prayers and support. We are feeling very blessed today - we are so glad mom will have a chance to recover and feel stronger before taking on any thing else. We promise to take extra good care of her from this point forward - and make sure she does not over do it again. Blessings!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Another Great Day in Therapy
Dad had another great day in therapy. His therapists said he even did a little better today than yesterday because he is beginning to help with his left foot when walking at the parallel bars (they were doing all of the moving forward of that side before). He was very content with his progress, like he was yesterday. His therapists seem to feel now that his break thru day yesterday has given him the confidence and realization that he needed to make great strides. He even asked the therapist this morning if she could give him exercises to do on the weekends when he they aren't there to do therapy with him. She asked him if he wanted to add Saturday to his therapy schedule and he said - "absolutely - I am here to work - so lets get this thing done." So he will now have therapy Saturdays. . . they tried it in the beginning with 6 days and he was not responsive enough. But now he is ready, willing and able! He is really wanting to see mom - so we are going to try to get him to see her by the weekend. . . depending on how her test goes, which is now schedule for tomorrow in Winchester. They will transport her from City Hospital to Winchester first thing in the morning - and hopefully we will know something before the end of the day as to whether her heart valve condition has worsened and requires surgery. Whatever the outcome- we have placed our trust in God to help us manage whatever situation we are faced with. Mom's doctors said her pnuemonia was "insignificant" after further review of the xrays, so she is out of the woods with that. She has to remain in the hospital because they have lowered her blood levels (INR) and has to remain hospitalized until the test on her heart.
Dad wanted to again thank everyone for their prayers on his walking again - he gives all the credit to God for answering his prayer. We will continue to pray for dad to rapidly improve and for the doctors to find the answers they need to make mom well again!
Dad wanted to again thank everyone for their prayers on his walking again - he gives all the credit to God for answering his prayer. We will continue to pray for dad to rapidly improve and for the doctors to find the answers they need to make mom well again!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
A Turning Point Day
Let's start off this report with an awesome praise report - dad had a turning point day in therapy. He was so proud of himself - he felt so good about his therapy - he was so full of emotions. He couldn't stop talking about it the whole day! He was in therapy from early on before 8am and lasted until noon. But his proudest moment was when he walked (assisted at the parallel bars) from the beginning of the bars to the end and turned around. He said it was such a great accomplishment. I just can not explain how encouraged dad was. . . not to mention tired! He really worked hard today. . . and the therapists said that he had them almost in tears. He was so happy he was "choked up" with them and said he couldn't wait to tell his wife. We can't wait to see how this important day impacts his therapy from here out. . . his words exactly were "today was a turning point in my therapy - I can't believe I finally did that." He asked me to tell everyone who has been praying - thank you so much - it worked!
Now for mom's report. She is still at City Hospital - room 634A. Her pnuemonia is getting a bit better, she's just so tired and her chest really hurts from coughing. She is still on the heart monitor and this morning I met with her heart doctor and he could explained what they are planning. A little history - about a year ago, mom was diagnosed with "aortic valve stenosis" - which is basically a narrowing of the heart valve, which causes blood flow issues in her heart. They had told her then that within 5 years she would have to have it replaced. This fainting episode in the garage Sunday gives them enough reason to be concerned that her valve condition could have worsened - so they have taken her off her blood thinner medication and are waiting on her INR to get down to 1.1 or lower - that could happen as soon as Wednesday morning or Thursday at latest and at that point they will transport her to Winchester Medical Center to have a heart catherization to determine what the status of aortic valve condition is. We should know right away if they need to address it or not.
Dad knows mom is having a heart cath Wednesday or Thursday - and he seems okay about it. He still doesn't know about the fainting spell in the garage. We have been all taking shifts with dad to make sure he is well cared for while mom is in the hospital. We may need to call on some of our friends and family to help us keep dad company while we are taking care of mom in Winchester.
We are praying for God's will for this whole situation - mom is at peace with it all and just wants to be better, whatever it takes. We need double the coverage with prayers now for mom and dad - but we do serve a BIG GOD so nothing is too big for him - right???
Now for mom's report. She is still at City Hospital - room 634A. Her pnuemonia is getting a bit better, she's just so tired and her chest really hurts from coughing. She is still on the heart monitor and this morning I met with her heart doctor and he could explained what they are planning. A little history - about a year ago, mom was diagnosed with "aortic valve stenosis" - which is basically a narrowing of the heart valve, which causes blood flow issues in her heart. They had told her then that within 5 years she would have to have it replaced. This fainting episode in the garage Sunday gives them enough reason to be concerned that her valve condition could have worsened - so they have taken her off her blood thinner medication and are waiting on her INR to get down to 1.1 or lower - that could happen as soon as Wednesday morning or Thursday at latest and at that point they will transport her to Winchester Medical Center to have a heart catherization to determine what the status of aortic valve condition is. We should know right away if they need to address it or not.
Dad knows mom is having a heart cath Wednesday or Thursday - and he seems okay about it. He still doesn't know about the fainting spell in the garage. We have been all taking shifts with dad to make sure he is well cared for while mom is in the hospital. We may need to call on some of our friends and family to help us keep dad company while we are taking care of mom in Winchester.
We are praying for God's will for this whole situation - mom is at peace with it all and just wants to be better, whatever it takes. We need double the coverage with prayers now for mom and dad - but we do serve a BIG GOD so nothing is too big for him - right???
Monday, February 18, 2008
Update on Mom & Dad
Good evening everyone - well what a Monday we have had. Mom started off on 5th floor and now has been moved to 6th (telemetry). Her heart doctor came to see her today, along with the hospitalist seeing her and they both agreed they wanted to put mom on a heart monitor to see how her heart is working and if it had anything to do with the episode she experienced prior to coming to the hospital last night (blackout, memory loss, dizziness). They re-xrayed her chest to check for pnuemonia on the opposite side of what was previously diagnosed - the both heard something on the right side, not left. They also did an MRI to take a closer look at her brain - mom is on seizure medicine due to previous episodes with them and the stroke she suffered in '99. We certainly know her heart has been under some serious stress lately, so we could understand why they want to check this all out. She is feeling a little better, but very tired and sore. She has talked on the phone to dad about 3 times today. That helps him - because he definitely is worried about her and misses her terribly. We have all being working extra hard as a family to take care of them both. All of my siblings and I took shifts at both facilities today - to make sure they both are getting the care they need and that neither of them worry too much about the other. We will do our best to keep up mom's pace with dad's needs at rehab daily, while we help her mend thru this hospital stay.
I can tell you that even in this most difficult time with our parents illnesses - our family is staying strong. We understand that bad things, bad health happens to good people, even God's people. In the midst of this storm - we choose to focus on the good - the blessing of it all. . . and that is simple - our dad is making baby steps every day and our mom- she's alive today. . . and who knows what might have happened if so many other variables had taken place. We are blessed. . . and we know that although we are hitting some bumps in the road - we know our parents are resilient and strong in their faith - and by no means have either of them given up - we are just in a season of mending and healing.

Today dad was blessed by a special visit with his doctor in the lobby of the rehab facility. They had a nice conversation, dad showed him how much he could move his left shoulder, hand and foot, but dad said - Dr. I need to get these legs working again. . . they used to be so strong. And my arm - it was really strong. The doctor told dad that he was doing excellent and making great strides and to give the therapy time. Dad was really encouraged by this conversation and he knows that even though he can't get up and run yet. . .he sure does want to try hard every day to learn how to! Robby and I spent the morning with dad and got to watch him trying to learn to walk again - he wanted you all to see him on his feet. . . check out the picture!
I can tell you that even in this most difficult time with our parents illnesses - our family is staying strong. We understand that bad things, bad health happens to good people, even God's people. In the midst of this storm - we choose to focus on the good - the blessing of it all. . . and that is simple - our dad is making baby steps every day and our mom- she's alive today. . . and who knows what might have happened if so many other variables had taken place. We are blessed. . . and we know that although we are hitting some bumps in the road - we know our parents are resilient and strong in their faith - and by no means have either of them given up - we are just in a season of mending and healing.

Today dad was blessed by a special visit with his doctor in the lobby of the rehab facility. They had a nice conversation, dad showed him how much he could move his left shoulder, hand and foot, but dad said - Dr. I need to get these legs working again. . . they used to be so strong. And my arm - it was really strong. The doctor told dad that he was doing excellent and making great strides and to give the therapy time. Dad was really encouraged by this conversation and he knows that even though he can't get up and run yet. . .he sure does want to try hard every day to learn how to! Robby and I spent the morning with dad and got to watch him trying to learn to walk again - he wanted you all to see him on his feet. . . check out the picture!
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Moms in hospital
Hey family and friends - we had a bit of a scare this evening. Mom has been fighting a terrible cold and today, she ended up in the ER and has been admitted to the hospital. She has pnuemonia, so they will be keeping her for a few days to help her get over it. I know some of you may have driven by mom & dad's and saw the ambulance in the driveway and were worried. . . so I will tell you this, but ask that you not talk to dad about how we found mama. He knows she has been sick and knows she is "under doctors care" for her pnuemonia, but he does not know the whole story of how she got to the hospital. After church, mom got dad settled back into his room and because she was so sick, she went home. I tried calling her all afternoon - but got no answer so we headed in town and dropped Robby off with my dad for the evening and we went to check on mom about 6pm. We found her in her garage - lying in her car. . . car door open, garage door open. . .her bags on the garage floor. She woke up when I called her name, but she could not get up and she was disoriented and running a fever, but her hands and feet were cold. We called the ambulance right away. They have run all kinds of tests and everything is good, but she does have pnuemonia. Thank God for Robby being with his pappy thru out the whole ordeal - neither of them knew about it - and they just enjoyed their evening watching tv so much. Rob said when he got to dad's room tonight -(i had stopped at the nurses station to explain about mama) - rob said that robby and dad were cutting up like 2 teenagers. Dad of course was worried about mom so I explained that we felt she needed to see a doctor and since the urgent care wasn't open on sunday, we took her to the ER. We did not tell him the whole story - it would be too much for him to bear. Please protect that information from him as well right now.
Please pray for us - mom will need to recover and get stronger and we will need to cover for her at Rehab with dad, while also caring for her at the hospital. But please know this - we are extremely grateful that this is just pneumonia and that this situation could have been so much worse. We found mom in time and she is getting the care she needs - and dad is glad that mom is getting some medical attention - he's been so worried about her. We need to pray that dad will stay strong, even without his "gal" beside him this week. Come visit dad this week and help us keep him distracted. God never gives us more than we can handle - and you know, even through difficult situations like these, our strength and peace and hope come from the Lord. We know he will carry us thru it all and one day very soon we will all be stronger, wiser and ready to tell the world about it!
Please pray for us - mom will need to recover and get stronger and we will need to cover for her at Rehab with dad, while also caring for her at the hospital. But please know this - we are extremely grateful that this is just pneumonia and that this situation could have been so much worse. We found mom in time and she is getting the care she needs - and dad is glad that mom is getting some medical attention - he's been so worried about her. We need to pray that dad will stay strong, even without his "gal" beside him this week. Come visit dad this week and help us keep him distracted. God never gives us more than we can handle - and you know, even through difficult situations like these, our strength and peace and hope come from the Lord. We know he will carry us thru it all and one day very soon we will all be stronger, wiser and ready to tell the world about it!
A Great Family Weekend!
We have had a great weekend with dad. Saturday dad had a lot of family and friends visits him thoughout the day. He's probably the most popular patient they have at Heartland! Today, Dad came to church and that was a family affair! All of us kids were there (David, Pam, Tom, Tim & me). . . and our families and many grand children, as well as great grand children! It was a great time - dad did get a little bit sick in cafe while eating breakfast before the service, but he was fine the rest of the time. He enjoyed seeing all his "little buddies" who always swarm around him. Robby sat beside his granny and pappy and during the Prayer Request time of our service, dad asked Robby to write down his prayer request and take it forward. He told Robby to write down "Please help me to walk again." Robby took the request forward to the prayer table where it was prayed over- Robby was so emotional after that he had to slip out to gather himself together. My family has made a pack that we are going to take time each and every day to ask God to help dad to walk again. If we all believe together, along with dad, I know it will come to pass in God's time. We invite you to join with us in the days and weeks to come - to pray for dad to be able to walk again! We love you all!
Friday, February 15, 2008
Rehab Continues

Hey everyone! Just left dad's room and he's doing well. He always enjoys time with the grand kids. We took him a milkshake and he liked that. He was cracking us up tonight because he was "smoking" us out of the room with his "gas." He thought that was funny. He was telling me about his therapy tonight - how it feels to be on his feet and taking steps - he was saying he just can't get over how hard it is to re-learn all of this. . . he just doesn't understand why he has so much trouble. He likes walking though because he said - "that's the first thing I want to do in the morning tomorrow is some more walking". He gets down on himself because he doesn't do as well as he wants to - but that's just his impatience coming out I guess. He says he just doesn't know how to make that left leg move on its own. We were practicing counting coins with him tonight and he did it well. He said he got 100%s on his tests today- I assume that was with his speech therapist - they do a lot of testing on memory, recall and handwriting and money handling! He was telling me how much he likes his therapists and the staff there. They are so good to him, he said. He was telling me how he tries "pulling their leg." Who's surprised about that??
Well we will be trying to take dad to church again Sunday - he is always asking when the next event is and when are we taking him again. So hopefully we'll get the van and be able to. If you get a chance to stop in this weekend to see him - I know he would appreciate it - mom's feeling a little sick and may not make it in as much - so if we can help him pass the time - he won't miss her so much!
Thanks for your continued love, support and prayers!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Just Another Day in Rehab
Not a whole lot to report today- dad had a good day at therapy and is not snowed in any more. . .Mom very carefully made her way in the bad weather this morning to Rehab to see dad - she was there by 8am to have breakfast with him! She knew dad was missing her and wanted to get out there as soon as she could. (We are so thankful for that wonderful garage they had built this past year at their home because it keeps mom off the ice & snow - and at night she feels so much safer when she goes home as she pulls in there and shuts that door behind her!) Dad was thrilled of course to have mom back with him and she was able to spend the day with him when he was not working in therapy.
Hard to believe that tomorrow is Valentines Day. . . happy birthday to my sister Pam - who is our family's true sweetheart- being that she was born on Feb. 14th!
Thanks for checking in today - and may your day be blessed!
Hard to believe that tomorrow is Valentines Day. . . happy birthday to my sister Pam - who is our family's true sweetheart- being that she was born on Feb. 14th!
Thanks for checking in today - and may your day be blessed!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Snowed in
Well dad is pretty much snowed in. Mom was able to visit with him until around 3:30, but when he fell asleep for his afternoon nap, she left because of the bad weather and roads. So around 9pm, dad had the nurse help him call mom. . . he asked her where she was - that he missed her! She reminded him of the bad weather and not being able to get back. And he understood, he just missed her. . . he got to say good night and that he loved her. I'll be glad when we get passed these kind of days because I am sure he was lonely tonight without his roomy and without his honey and family to visit him. Monday night, my son Robby spent about 3 hours with his pappy and had a wonderful evening with him. Robby was so proud of pappy because he asked for his glasses and the newspaper so he could catch up on the news - Robby said, "mom I haven't seen pappy with his glasses on and reading the paper since he's been sick." Hopefully the weather will get better some time tomorrow - and we can all get back there to see him.
Thanks for checking in with us!
Thanks for checking in with us!
Monday, February 11, 2008
A Great Report Today!
Today we met with Dad's care plan leaders for an update on dad from his therapists, nurse, dietician, activities coordinator, social worker, etc. What a positive and encouraging report! Thank you God! I like the way the Speech Therapist described it - "it's like a light switch was turned on in dad's head last week." He got that right - Jesus is the light of the world - and His light shined right thru dad when he came to church 2 Sundays ago and re-ignited dad's flame!
Here's all the good stuff they said about dad (can I brag a little bit?). . . Physical Therapy - he's doing much better now than when he arrived, as he's learning to walk again, he is beginning to do the next step even before a verbal cue to do so - this week when given the choice of having electrical stem treatment (which allows him to lay down and rest on the therapy table) or practice walking. . . he choose to do walking first! She said in the past, he would always opt for his "nap" first. His endurance is much improved - he can last longer in therapy now. He's actually complaining about pain in his muscles and that is GOOD they say!
Occupational Therapy reports that he is more aware of his left side now and using it on cue. Before he would not even acknowledge it - now he is trying to hold things with it and he doesn't even ask her if he can lay down any more - he just wants to work! She said he seems more motivated, and even says - everyday I'm getting better! She will begin teaching him more daily activity skills now that he is ready - like dressing himself and taking care of his personal hygiene.
Speech Therapy reports that while his initial evaluation was very bleak for dad's prognosis, it's like a light switch has been turned on now in dad and he is acing his tests, has met 2 of his 5 original goals, has gone from 37% in his short term memory test to normal last friday when re-tested. . . went from profound to mild on his recall test. . . the area he is needing most work on now is handwriting, counting money, and most recent memory (how long have you been here at heartland - he said a year & a half!) The therapist reported more motivation and willingness to participate and more energy!
He's gained 2 pounds! He's on half the meds he was when he arrived. His lab work is almost normal - other than low in protein. So how's that for the MondayMorning Report???
We serve a great big God and today we are so blessed to have such an awesome care team - right in our backyard who is helping our Shug reach his full potential! Now, I will say one sad thing today was that dad's room mate Bill went home (not sad for him!) We will miss him! So come on out and see dad and mom - right now there's plenty of room for visitors!!
Here's all the good stuff they said about dad (can I brag a little bit?). . . Physical Therapy - he's doing much better now than when he arrived, as he's learning to walk again, he is beginning to do the next step even before a verbal cue to do so - this week when given the choice of having electrical stem treatment (which allows him to lay down and rest on the therapy table) or practice walking. . . he choose to do walking first! She said in the past, he would always opt for his "nap" first. His endurance is much improved - he can last longer in therapy now. He's actually complaining about pain in his muscles and that is GOOD they say!
Occupational Therapy reports that he is more aware of his left side now and using it on cue. Before he would not even acknowledge it - now he is trying to hold things with it and he doesn't even ask her if he can lay down any more - he just wants to work! She said he seems more motivated, and even says - everyday I'm getting better! She will begin teaching him more daily activity skills now that he is ready - like dressing himself and taking care of his personal hygiene.
Speech Therapy reports that while his initial evaluation was very bleak for dad's prognosis, it's like a light switch has been turned on now in dad and he is acing his tests, has met 2 of his 5 original goals, has gone from 37% in his short term memory test to normal last friday when re-tested. . . went from profound to mild on his recall test. . . the area he is needing most work on now is handwriting, counting money, and most recent memory (how long have you been here at heartland - he said a year & a half!) The therapist reported more motivation and willingness to participate and more energy!
He's gained 2 pounds! He's on half the meds he was when he arrived. His lab work is almost normal - other than low in protein. So how's that for the MondayMorning Report???
We serve a great big God and today we are so blessed to have such an awesome care team - right in our backyard who is helping our Shug reach his full potential! Now, I will say one sad thing today was that dad's room mate Bill went home (not sad for him!) We will miss him! So come on out and see dad and mom - right now there's plenty of room for visitors!!
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Super Saturday & Sunday
We had a superb weekend with dad! Saturday we went and got him around 3:30 and took him to Robby's basketball game. He enjoyed that so much. Even though it interrupted his "afternoon nap" - he still loved every minute. He was definitely ready for bed when we got him home. Then this morning we picked he and mom up around 9:30 for church - they came a little early while first service was still going on and got to have breakfast in the cafe. He loved that and I brought all of the preschoolers in by classes to give him high - fives. That really brightened him up! Then my brother dave took him to the front foyer area right before the first service let out and he was able to be there as folks were leaving service and as they were entering for the 2nd service - he got to do his old job of greeting everyone and he was in his glory! This week he was able to sit right up front and enjoy the service from his "regular" spot - tears were falling from his face when the worshp began.
By the time service was over, he was ready for relaxing. We got him back to his room at Heartland and he got snuggled into bed for lunch and an afternoon siesta! He said before I left, "I just love being at that place." And we just love him being there too! The children were so glad to have "Mr. Shug" back again and he was an encouragement to so many that he was there and that he is fighting so hard to get better - I even saw him showing off a bit for people moving his left hand and leg. He wants people to know that he can move them!
Tomorrow will be a little sad as dad's room mate Bill will be heading home. He is such a nice man and has been a great roomy for dad. I feel sure we will see Mr. Bill again - he lives up at The Woods Resort and we have given him fair warning that we were going to bring our clan up to visit him and his family and swim with them this summer! So after Monday, dad will not have a room mate - and therefore we'll really want to give him lots of company til he gets another - we sure hope he'll be as compatible as Bill was with dad.
Thanks for your love, support and prayers. . . dad is getting stronger every day - he really is a miracle! Come see us!
By the time service was over, he was ready for relaxing. We got him back to his room at Heartland and he got snuggled into bed for lunch and an afternoon siesta! He said before I left, "I just love being at that place." And we just love him being there too! The children were so glad to have "Mr. Shug" back again and he was an encouragement to so many that he was there and that he is fighting so hard to get better - I even saw him showing off a bit for people moving his left hand and leg. He wants people to know that he can move them!
Tomorrow will be a little sad as dad's room mate Bill will be heading home. He is such a nice man and has been a great roomy for dad. I feel sure we will see Mr. Bill again - he lives up at The Woods Resort and we have given him fair warning that we were going to bring our clan up to visit him and his family and swim with them this summer! So after Monday, dad will not have a room mate - and therefore we'll really want to give him lots of company til he gets another - we sure hope he'll be as compatible as Bill was with dad.
Thanks for your love, support and prayers. . . dad is getting stronger every day - he really is a miracle! Come see us!
Saturday, February 9, 2008
More Progress!
Dad had another "big day" yesterday - to use his words. He had a great day at therapy. They got him back up to the parallel bars and he actually - with much assistance -took about 5 steps! Here's the scenario - they are helping to hold him upright - he learns to bear weight on his strong right side - and they one by one have him move the right arm down the bar, then take a step with the right leg, then they tell him to move the left leg, but they end up helping him to move that one, then they move his left arm. . . so one by one, he started taking baby steps. He says it feels good to be making progress and that he is "ready to move forward" with the program to get better. I told him I had a dream about him "running" up and down the halls and he said - "well, I'm not far from that"! I love his positive attitude! We are going to go get him this afternoon and take him to the Rec Center for one of my son's basketball games. . . he really wants to get out and go there. . . he's not seen this new Quad gym and I think he will enjoy the little trip. The game is at 4pm. Tomorrow he is excited about going to church again - we'll be picking him up for 2nd service (11am) again.
Keep praying and believing that dad will make a full recovery - he has definitely hit a turning point in his stroke and we can't wait for each day to see what is ahead for him. Thanks for your love and support - and don't forget - you are more than welcome to come see dad - he loves company!
Keep praying and believing that dad will make a full recovery - he has definitely hit a turning point in his stroke and we can't wait for each day to see what is ahead for him. Thanks for your love and support - and don't forget - you are more than welcome to come see dad - he loves company!
Thursday, February 7, 2008
The Work Begins
Dad is still plugging away at therapy. In some ways it feels as if the work is just beginning because dad is finally able to follow instructions and respond to therapy. When I visited last night, he was in good spirits. He is really able to enjoy the company of visitors and his room mate now. He was telling me about his PT session and how hard it was - he didn't realize it was going to be so "tough to walk again". They had him up at the parallel bars with his wheelchair behind him because evidently he told them he could walk. He is finally realizing his abilities and "disabilities" that his stroke left him with. . . but he seemed more determined than ever to learn it all again. He asked me to go get him some cashews and a "orange slushy" at Sheetz last night - and he ate a piece of KFC chicken that I brought him and that was after eating a rib and some potatoes that mom had brought him so that tells you his appetite is back. He still only eats very small amounts of food, but he definitely has a "taste" for things that he's always liked again. Let's believe together that dad will have the strength and courage to really learn to walk and use his hand again - I feel like we are definitely headed in the right direction now - his blood pressure in stable, he has minor nausea issues, and his mind is definitely in the present now. Thanks for praying and supporting us - together we will help dad make it to the finish line!
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Lots of Laughs!
The only way to explain yesterday was "lots of laughs". We took dad to Winchester for an appointment and it was a comedy of errors that left us laughing all day. We didn't even see the doctor - it seems we were sent there in "error" and on top of that - we went to the wrong office building and had the wrong appointment time. But thru it all - we enjoyed just being with dad and having some fun with him. He is doing so well with his thinking and talking and boy, has his humor taken on a new height! I just can not explain the difference in him this week compared to last week - you really need to visit him and see the difference. Yesterday his Speech Therapist said he answered every question he gave dad - and he would have to come up with all new ones for dad now that he's gotten so smart on him! (Dad incidently said the questions were "so dumb" that anyone could answer them! He doesn't realize that last week he missed almost all of them!) So we are really excited now because with dad's thinking and cognitive skills getting so good - he should be able to respond well to the physical & occupational therapy and won't that be an answer to prayer!!!!
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Getting Better Every Day!
We had another great day Monday. We took dad to his doctors appointment in Winchester about his gall bladder and Dr. Boyd said at this time she does not recommend any surgery and that his gall bladder was not an issue of concern at this time. Dad did so well on the trip and talked to Pam and I the whole way. He has been very chatty ever since Sunday! He really is thinking and talking more and more like himself. We have noticed a major improvement and so had his new physician at Rehab Dr. Phares - he saw dad yesterday before we left for Winchester and he thought Dad looked much better compared to just last week! Dad hasn't stopped talking about church and how much he enjoyed it. He told his therapist yesterday she should have been there - and he went on an on about it. He keeps asking mom when he can go back to church again! That will be his inspiration every week I can tell you. He also is beginning to ask about the kids activities and maybe starting to go to some of them. Today we take him to see another Doctor in Winchester to follow up on his lung clotting episode in November, and also discuss his vena cava filter that was placed at that time. I will try to post after that trip! Thanks for your continued support and prayers - dad is coming back. . . you can see it in his eyes. If you get the chance, stop by and see him!
Sunday, February 3, 2008
The Best Day In A Long Time!

Hands down. . .this was dad's best day in a long long time. Yesterday dad was overjoyed with our brother Tommy getting home safely from China after a month away. And today, dad went to church for the first time since his stroke October 16th. It was an amazing and unprecedented moment for our family, who filled two rows beside

Thank you God for this beautiful moment today! Tomorrow we will be taking dad to see Dr. Boyd in the morning about his gall bladder. . . I t

Saturday, February 2, 2008
A Happy Reunion!!!

My brother Tommy is home from China after a month of being overseas with the company he works for Dupont. He came to see dad this afternoon and we hurried in town to capture the happy reunion. Dad and mom could hardly wait. It surely was a happy time! Dad was clinging onto every word Tommy said about his trip and he told Tommy - next time he was going with him! I haven't seen dad this happy in days!
Dad also had a great visit this afternoon from several of the kids from church who adore dad - they brought mom birthday cards and dad posters with their handprints on them that said "A High Five to Mr. Shug" - he made mom hang them on his wall. Thanks to the Hadley & Hurley kids for those awesome handprints - I know every time dad looks at those, he will think of you and it will make him smile!
Dad looked very

We are planning to bring dad to church second service tomorrow - he can't wait. He's going to look dapper! The weather is going to be great - so that will be good!
If you get a chance, stop in and see them this weekend!
Friday, February 1, 2008
Happy Birthday Mom!
Well today is mom's birthday and she hasn't gotten to see dad yet because she wasn't feeling well this morning. But she might head over this evening. Dad is having good day at therapy. . . the therapists are helping him bake a cake for mama right now! He still has his sad moments, but he did say he feels like he is getting stronger. I know he is thoroughly enjoying the visits he is getting from family and friends now. You have no idea how much that encourages him and makes his day. He told my nephew Matthew this morning as he looked up at the wall of pictures of the grandchildren that he misses them so much! Our brother Tommy is en route to the U.S. but is 8 hours behind now due to weather. So his visit with dad will not happen til tomorrow some time.
I am getting ready to head over for a short visit and leave my son Robby there for a while to hang out with his Pappy, so if I have any other news, I will update then! Love you all!
I am getting ready to head over for a short visit and leave my son Robby there for a while to hang out with his Pappy, so if I have any other news, I will update then! Love you all!
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