Sunday, March 16, 2008

Super Sunday

Today was a super day for dad. . . and emotional too. He arrived early enough at church to greet people leaving first service and was able to attend second service. He really enjoyed it. Then my brothers took him up to see mom at the hospital and took her flowers. They both cried when they saw each other. I think it was really good for him to be able to go see her like that. He even was able to visit mom's oldest brother Paul who is in the hospital there too. Dad enjoyed being out from 10am to 2pm. . . it's great therapy for him! He was even there when one of mom's cardiologists made rounds and he was able to hear what the doctor was planning on doing with mom. Tomorrow they will do an esophageal ultrasound to get a more accurate view of whether there is any vegetation causing this fever and infection. . . they are still wanting to rule out the heart in these recent episodes. It's important to determine what is bringing on these dizzy spells that are causing weakness, fatigue and confusion. We are not sure how long they will keep her... I guess until they figure things out!

We are believing for a BIG week for dad. He is very encouraged on the heals of an encouraging message from our pastor about persistence in our requests to God. . . so I expect that dad will be asking God non-stop to be able to walk again. And we are going to believe with him that big things will happen with this kind of faith and persistence. It's going to happen - we are just waiting for God's timing.

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