Saturday, March 15, 2008

An eventful day

Well folks, mom's "yucky" day turned into more than we expected. As you know I wrote earlier that she has been sick since thursday. She's been running a fever, experiencing weakness and having dizzy spells, and last night at my house she had another episode similar to the car episode a few weeks ago - I found her in the living room on the floor this morning unable to get herself up. . . and she does not remember how she got there. She had been sleeping on the big couch in our front room and at some point got up in the middle of the night or morning. . . around 7am I could hear her calling to me. So we took her to ER this morning on orders from her family doctor - and I just got home at 3:30 and she is resting comfortably in her room at City Hospital. They are doing some extensive tests and cultures to determine what kind of infection might be causing it - and she has already had a round of iv antibiotics, so she already feels somewhat better. They will monitor her and a cardiologist will see her in the morning and we'll go from there.

As you can imagine, dad was torn up about it - he was very worried until he spoke with her on his cell phone and now he feels much better. Dad had a great day at therapy according to my son Robby who spent the morning with him. Robby said he was standing up at the parallel bars so straight and with just a one PT helping him. He really liked his new weekend therapist - he did some more intense E-Stim on dad's leg and it really felt good to dad. Plus, he felt very strong standing and I think that encouraged him.

He is going to go to church second service tomorrow and then surprise mom with a visit to the hospital. SSSHHHHH! (don't tell mom!) Keep mom and dad in your prayers - this sure has been one hilly roller coaster we've been on. . . but we still remain confident that God is in control of it all and we will be victorious in the end!

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