Well Dad's checkup went really well today! We hadn't been to see the doctor in a while so it was good to get dad there and see how he was doing. We are scheduled for a full chem panel blood work day next week just routine stuff, but other than that- the doctor thought dad's only problem was that he was too "sweet"! ha ha. . . What he was referring to is that dad has gained some weight since his last appointment. Dad has a sweet tooth - from fruit to dessert. . . that is his downfall! He wants him to really try to watch what he eats because he doesn't want dad to get too heavy for us to manage taking care of him. He was talking to dad about eating veggies again - we laughed and laughed of course knowing how dad feels about that subject. On a funny note, dad is just full of love and humor - he was cracking us up - when the nurse asked dad if he had been feeling bad. . he said well, no - but sometimes I am bad! ha ha. . . then as she was leaving the room he told her to check on his birth control prescription - lol! I just love his attitude - he doesn't let his paralysis keep him from enjoying the life that remains in him. He is fun to be with and around and he just exudes joy all the time. Thanks for keeping us in your prayers - and please remember our Aunt Kelley Kisner (dad's sister-n-law) in your prayers too as she is undergoing chemotherapy for lung cancer right now. Love to all!
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