Mom and dad finally after years and years of the same ole stuff. . . broke down and got some new furniture! Now mom can sleep a little better in the living room with dad at night on this new sofa that is also a double recliner. They also got a new recliner chair for dad - as you can see in this picture of him he is enjoying! They are having a good summer. Mom enjoyed going to her oldest brother Paul's birthday party dinner Sunday and seeing all her siblings. Dad's health continues to be steady and stable. . . his blood is so healthy he continues to back off of the amount of coumadin that he has to take to keep his blood in the healthy area. That makes me happy! Me and my family are leaving on vacation Saturday thru the following Saturday and it will be so hard to not see him everyday. I have not left him & mom for more than four days since his stroke. But we are headed to a beach vacation/church conference week at Virginia Beach and we are really looking forward to it. If you get the chance while I am away, stop in and keep dad company for me!