Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Hanging in there!

Hey friends and family. . . it's been a slow road to haul the past few days for dad.  That cold didn't leave dad as quickly as we had thought it was. . .it began to linger and then kind of come back in the form of a hacking cough - he doesn't have a fever and his chest does not sound like it did before, but it's still wearing him out!  He went to church Sunday and ate breakfast in the cafe and greeted at the front door, but ended up coming home just before service started because he felt so tired and "giddy-headed" he said.  He slept most of Sunday.  He did go to therapy yesterday but his therapist said he was very weak - and we all know when we have a cold how it zaps our energy.  So we are just struggling to get this out of his system. . . he gets frustrated when he doesn't have a good day at therapy and the past few times he's gone he just hasn't been able to give it his all!  So please pray for dad that he gets this cold out of his system completely and quickly so we can move forward with our therapy!  

Family NEWS flash! Last night around 8pm. . . mom & dad's 5th great - grandchild was born! My sister Pam's daughter Sarah delivered her second child Jeffrey Joseph, III (Trey) Hamlin in Winchester.  The baby is healthy- mom is great- and big sister Brynna (who I got to spoil all day long while mommy was in labor!) is oblivious. . . she saw him and kinda just was like "whatever". . . she was more interested in playing with her daddy and all the visitors in the hallway!  ha ha! 

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