Then when we got home, he began complaining of his right foot being sore. Maybe he twisted it an awkward way at therapy or something. Not sure. . . it wasn't sore when we left for therapy? We put him in his recliner for the day and wrapped his foot and really tried to pamper him with tylenol and water to help with his foot and shoulder. Then Saturday morning the cold-virus arrived. His voice was deep, his chest was getting tight and he started feeling under the weather. Today he was unable to go to mom's family labor day picnic or church because of feeling so bad. His blood pressure has been elevated at times, he's running a low grade fever and he is just so tired. He is coughing a lot at night too - so I ended up calling the doctor last night and he recommended some over the counter medicine to help clear up his chest and quiet his cough. . . I think the medicine might be helping some, but mostly he is sleeping and resting. We need to do everything we can to keep this cold from worsening. His foot is still painful, we are trying some alternative approaches to reducing the pain and inflammation - so we'll see how those things work out. Time, rest, water, and lots of prayer is our game plan for the next few days. Please pray with us that he heals quickly and feels better tomorrow even! We also pray for mama to stay healthy - my goodness I can't imagine if she gets this! But I am speaking it out loud right now - SICKNESS STAY AWAY FROM MY MOM and GET OUT OF MY DAD's BODY NOW! There. . . I feel better and I know that God will hear our prayer - especially if you join us like an army storming heaven on his behalf!
This blog is designed to help keep everyone posted on the latest status of our father- as he recovers from a major stroke he suffered on Tuesday Oct. 16th, 2007.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Fighting A Bad Cold
Dad had a very good workout on Friday at therapy, but did experience a great deal of shoulder pain. Man did they work him hard. He had to help transfer himself from his chair to the table. . . then from a sitting position at the table, he had to learn to lay down, then get back up, then transfer back in to his chair.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Doing Great!
We are having a great week! Dad had a blood draw on Monday and his doctor said it is in the perfect range right now, but we will do a couple more over the next 2 weeks to make sure it stays there. That was good news because they had called me Friday wanting to add more blood thinner to his med mix and I asked to do one more draw on Monday because his previous tests were showing progress after he stopped taking the Celebrex. Sure enough - it turned out the way I expected. In fact, I predict with the water intake dad has now and being off that other medicine, that we can get him back down to a lower dose of blood thinner, which is our desire (that stuff is not good for you - it's just a necessary evil!)
My brother Dave and my Uncle Tommy were at the house last night planning the next phase of construction for dad's bathroom. . . it's coming along. Dad is so excited about it - he said he can't wait to take his first shower in it! We've had to bed bathe him since he came home in June - so this will be so good for him. Plus, it's great occupational therapy for him to sit at the mirror and do all his personal hygiene.
Looking forward to Labor Day weekend and seeing the Sowers clan (mom's side) at the picnic. We'll keep you posted!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Victory Today - Dad passes 2nd PT Evaluation!
We had an awesome day today! Dad just looked great today when I took him for his therapy sessions. You know that he has been concerned about his pending PT evaluation. Today he had it and passed! So they have assigned him another 30 day period of therapy (Medicare is strict about their policies of therapy - if dad doesn't show a certain amount of progress every 30 days, they can deny coverage of the treatment). So dad was thrilled to have that behind him. Our goal now for this next 30 day period is to get dad doing as many "board transfers" from bed to chair and chair to bed as we can. This not only strengthens his trunk muscles, but helps him to be more mobile and in the eyes of therapists- proves he is getting stronger. Also, they want to work on dad building back his muscle mass. He was so depressed when he looked in the mirror today at therapy while doing exercises and saw that all his muscles were gone. He is going to do some lightweights at home in bed and in his chair to work on that. We have some other goals as well and we'll be working hard at home to help him reach them.
Dad was sad to see the Olympics be over - he had really watched all of them this year. He was our official newsman when it came to results - we'd call him for the report. Dad has been feeling well - blood pressure stable and he is still drinking only water! Dad has one more day of therapy Friday and then it's off for Labor day weekend - they are looking forward to going to mom's family's Labor Day breakfast & all day picnic. So I will try to post later this week. . . sorry for the delay this past week - my laptop was down!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Thank You God!
Wow what a difference a day makes and the simple addition of water in a person's life! Dad had a great day at therapy - both in OT & PT. His therapists were very complimentary of his progress - so that made him very relieved. His PT said he earned a gold medal today because he shaved a minute & a half off of his lap time. He does a lap around the fitness area in his wheelchair - guiding it himself with his strong arm & leg. Great job dad! We are also being encouraged to begin transferring him differently to help his trunk strength. Instead of the hoyer lift, we are going to work on the transfer board. His PT said this week he made it to his chair in just two "stands". . . say if he is in bed, we sit him on the side of the bed, then the board goes under his butt and reaches like a bridge to the corner of his chair. We then help him stand & sit & stand and sit til he gets over to his chair. This is going to help him get stronger in his mid section. They did have him back at the parallel bars to practice standing today as well. After therapy, we had his blood drawn again - and this was the first time a nurse was able to get a clean draw the first time around - it flowed great she said. They always call dad "stingy" with his blood and sometimes have to stick him 5 or 6 times to get it flowing. The water has made a huge difference. . . the nurse said hydration does make the difference in a blood draw. So thanks to God for answering all of our prayers for Dad this week - and keep them coming because we are on a tough journey and the progress may be slower than we prefer, but with the prayers and support of our loving friends and family, we will make it to the finish line and get the gold! Dad has had all kinds of special visitors by the house in the evenings this week - what a blessing you have been to my parents. . . your quick visits to say hello and give an encouraging word have truly blessed them! My brother Dave has been working hard on that bathroom. . . dad is really getting excited about taking a shower soon! What a blessing that will be! I'll post again tomorrow if time, we have therapy late tomorrow afternoon!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
In Need of Encouragement Today
Dad continues to feel good but his spirits are kind of low. He knows his second 30-day evaluation for therapy is coming up and he is worrying himself to death about it. He is so afraid that he hasn't made enough progress to continue another 30 day period. So I am going to try to find out from his therapists when the evaluation is and how they feel he is doing and hopefully they can encourage us and him OR give us some indication of what he needs to improve in order to continue with therapy. So we are trying to surround him with love and support and encouragement, but we would also like to ask you to keep dad in your prayers this week for his therapy and enough improvement to move forward. I pretty much told dad when he was talking about it today that "we have come way to far to give up now - don't you give up on me - don't you give up on yourself!" He promised me he wouldn't give up - but he said just doesn't understand why he can not master his balance and if he could just do that - so please pray with us for that specific thing this week -
If you would pray this prayer with me. . .Heavenly Father - we come to you today as family and friends of Shug Kisner and we ask you to intercede this week in his health and strength. Give him balance and confidence to accomplish whatever is necessary to keep him in the therapy program at the Wellness Center and keep him progressing toward his goal of becoming mobile again. We love you and trust you to act according to your will - and we believe for great things above all that we can think or imagine for Shug this week - you are a mighty God - able to do all things in those who believe. . . and Father we come boldly to your throne today saying "we believe". In your precious son's name Jesus Christ we pray. . . AMEN!
If you would pray this prayer with me. . .Heavenly Father - we come to you today as family and friends of Shug Kisner and we ask you to intercede this week in his health and strength. Give him balance and confidence to accomplish whatever is necessary to keep him in the therapy program at the Wellness Center and keep him progressing toward his goal of becoming mobile again. We love you and trust you to act according to your will - and we believe for great things above all that we can think or imagine for Shug this week - you are a mighty God - able to do all things in those who believe. . . and Father we come boldly to your throne today saying "we believe". In your precious son's name Jesus Christ we pray. . . AMEN!
Monday, August 18, 2008
Back on Track
Dad's blood pressure stabilize back in the normal range by Sunday and he is looking great. He is feeling much better too. He has given up the soda and tea and has taken to drinking water! He is hydrated - yeah! We had a blood draw today and we'll see where he stands with that later in the week - they frequently test his blood for the INR to determine the level of his blood thinning medicine. I am doing a lot of research on the various drugs dad is taking and also seeking the counsel of nutritionists and other nurses who believe in "more natural" approaches to some of the medicines he is on because as dad says "my stomach fights over which pill it's gonna digest first" every day. He had therapy today and he didn't feel very good about it afterward. . . he said he just wishes he could get the "balance thing" right - he was sitting on the table and doing the sock transfer exercise and I think it is very hard for him and he gets very frustrated.
Last night my sister Pam had mom & dad up for a picnic with some of her family. Trying to get dad out as much as we can because before too long - we won't have this beautiful weather to enjoy. Touch base with you guys later in week - he has therapy Thursday & Friday!
Last night my sister Pam had mom & dad up for a picnic with some of her family. Trying to get dad out as much as we can because before too long - we won't have this beautiful weather to enjoy. Touch base with you guys later in week - he has therapy Thursday & Friday!
Friday, August 15, 2008
A Day Off
Dad had therapy yesterday (Thursday) and his blood pressure got a little high during it. So we were keeping an eye on it and this morning he was having a headache and a little bit of high blood pressure again, so we decided it would be best to take a day off of therapy to work on lowering his blood pressure. He seemed dehydrated (he doesn't drink water) so we started him on a strick water intake and are trying to eliminate the tea and soda. By noon his blood pressure was normal. Then by evening it was creeping back up again, although his headache did not return. So we will continue to monitor it and work on stabilizing it. He felt good enough to get into his chair for dinner and go outside to enjoy traffic with mom and the kids. Then Timmy came in and got him ready for bed. Praying for a restful night tonight and normal BP tomorrow. Thanks for checking in - we appreciate your prayers & support and love! (P.S. thanks to dad's friends who sent coconut cake thru mark rogers. . . i got a piece of it and yummy! dad and mom really enjoyed that treat!)
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Enjoying the Olympics

Saturday, August 9, 2008
Another Great Week!
Dad did exceptionally well at his co-teaching session of therapy Friday. He sat unassisted with little movement for 5 minutes. He is really getting stronger every day. This is incredible and needed in order to tackle other areas of therapy. After therapy - mom & I took him to the rec center to pick up my boys from their last day at basketball camp. We got to watch the closing ceremonies & awards presentation. We saw lots of friends - he always enjoys times like these to see his old friends and colleagues. Later that day, my brothers Dave and Tim came in to take the next step on the bathroom for dad. We have a plan now for accomplishing that project - that will be so nice when completed! He enjoyed watching the Olympic opening ceremonies last night too. . . and today my brother Tommy came in early to help mom give him a bath and get him up in the recliner. He enjoyed that and watched a lot of the Olympics til mid-day then I ran in real quick and got him back in bed. He is looking forward to my sister Pam coming in tonight and having dinner with them and probably sitting outside to watch the traffic. Tomorrow is church - his work day! Thanks for your continued support and prayers! Love to all!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Bicycling Away!

We have another co-teaching therapy session on Friday - so that will be great. Tonight my brothers are meeting with my uncle Tommy (Mom's brother) to determine our next step in getting dad's handicap accessible bathroom moving forward. Dad is very excited about that!
Thanks as always for checking in - and remember, dad & mom are outside sitting almost every evening so if you have a few minutes to stop by, they'd love to see you!
Monday, August 4, 2008
Working Hard at Co-Therapy!

Thanks again everyone who continues to read this blog daily and pray with us - believing for that miracle for dad to walk again. Your support means so much. And thanks to all the folks who continue to stop by and visit dad & mom - old friends, colleagues and family continue to come to see dad and encourage him on this journey. We are so blessed!
Saturday, August 2, 2008
A Family Day

We had a blast. . .we stayed for about 4 hours! Dad laughed his head off during the fun games they played. One game was a torture test with parents being the recipients of clothespins to the face

Looking forward to another great week at therapy! Keep him in your prayers for LOTS of progress - we believe!
Fantastic Day at Therapy!
I am so happy to report that dad had a fantastic day at therapy Friday! His Physical Therapist reported to me that he was sitting on the therapy table for up to 15 minutes, with just minor cues when his body started to fall. . . he also was able to work in Occupational therapy at the same time - they had him leaning over while sitting on the table, pick up socks with is left (yes I said left - which is his weak side) and then sit up and place them in a basket on the right side of him! Wow - dad. . . what a great accomplishment. Like I said, his therapist was thrilled with is progress this week - he proclaimed it his very best week by far. . . it seems that dad's focus has now kicked in and he is ready to really work hard at this therapy. Plus, I know he is so determined to get stronger become more independent. They will continue doing "co-teaching" sessions next week to see if that type of therapy will continue to help him progress!
We are looking forward today to head up to Pams for a "picnic" & baby shower for her daughter Sarah who is due with their second child later this month. Me & the kids are picking mom & dad up this afternoon and will head up there for a fun evening. I will take some pictures to post on the blog!
Thanks for checking in - we've had an awesome week. My mom is simply AMAZING - she is getting so independent in her caring of dad. She bathes him, she takes care of most all his care and all we do for her is the transferring and dressing. She is so determined to be his "number one aide". . . she just decided that an outside aide was not necessary anymore. Her health continues to improve all the time!
Mark 9: 23 says " 'If you can'?" said Jesus. "Everything is possible for him who believes."
We believe. . . will you believe with us? Dad will walk again one day!
We are looking forward today to head up to Pams for a "picnic" & baby shower for her daughter Sarah who is due with their second child later this month. Me & the kids are picking mom & dad up this afternoon and will head up there for a fun evening. I will take some pictures to post on the blog!
Thanks for checking in - we've had an awesome week. My mom is simply AMAZING - she is getting so independent in her caring of dad. She bathes him, she takes care of most all his care and all we do for her is the transferring and dressing. She is so determined to be his "number one aide". . . she just decided that an outside aide was not necessary anymore. Her health continues to improve all the time!
Mark 9: 23 says " 'If you can'?" said Jesus. "Everything is possible for him who believes."
We believe. . . will you believe with us? Dad will walk again one day!
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