Dad had a pretty good day today, despite a good bit of nausea. He has been fighting that since Saturday night off and on. Today his doctor also took him off of some potassium pills for a few days and we are trying some zantac by doctors orders because he is having so much heartburn. We also had to back off his blood thinner to bring his INR back down. His blood pressure has been a little high, but we just keep adjusting his meds to accommodate.
Pam and Mom took him outside in his wheelchair today to enjoy the beautiful weather - he enjoyed that a lot. His Speech Therapist came this evening and she was thrilled with how much better he was this week compared to last Thursday - that was the day he had to have a doctors visit because his blood pressure was so low. The therapist asked when she left if he was always that jovial and funny - hah! Of course he is! He was trying to make a joke out of everything she showed him on the flash cards.
Tomorrow's a big day - pray for us as we'll drive him in the wheel chair van we are borrowing. Pam and I will be taking him to Winchester for the appointment. Mama will probably stay behind and get some much needed "downtime". She just won't stop - and she really needs a little break.
We are still praying for some major breakthroughs in dad's strength and ability to understand enough to start getting better and more mobile. We still have had only one physical therapy session since he has been home - that's a lot of days without - even though we try to do the therapy exercises with him - it just isn't the same as the professionals.
Thanks for checking in! Keep praying for that "full recovery" miracle!
1 comment:
What an adorable couple....You look GREAT Mr. Shug :-) Keep up the good work!
Love, The Hadley's
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