Quick update on mom and dad. . . not much new to share but that is really a good thing in their case! Both mom and dad had blood work done this week and all is good for them both. Dad continues to be his jolly ole self and my mom continues to be an amazing hero who takes care of his every need. We enjoyed the Christmas holidays and dad was so blessed on his 75th birthday January 9th to have his grandson Matt speak an incredible message at our church - The Living Room. Matt has left for Australia to Hillsong Bible College for his last year of school. . .dad did much better this time when Matt left.
Every day is a gift. . . and the more time we enjoy with our parents, the less I see what dad can't do anymore and the more i see how blessed we are to have so much with what he still has. . .i thank God for this beautiful season of life we are in.
In this picture, my daughter Lexy enjoys a kiss from her pap-pap after she danced during kids week at church in July 2010. He looks great doesn't he! He looks forward to going to church all week long - it's great to still get them out every week! I really appreciate my brothers who take turns going to their house on sundays to get him ready and load him in the van and bring him to church for breakfast in the cafe and then greeting at the door, then enjoying second service - it's the highligh tof his week!