Hey friends and family - sorry I don't get on here as much lately. . . seems like as soon as I get away from blogging and updating - someone sends me an email asking about dad or how he is doing cuz i haven't updated in so long - so here goes the update!
Dad and mom are well. They both had bronchitus last month so that kind of put a damper on their October. . . but they have survived and are feeling much better. It was 3 years in October on the 16th that we remembered the day dad had his stroke and our lives changed forever! Some may look at the stroke as a tragedy and in some ways it was, but we have chosen as a family to look at all of the wonderful positive experiences that we have had because of dad's stroke. We are all so blessed with our very close relationships with our parents, as we care for them on a daily basis. We don't feel burdened we feel blessed. It is our extreme honor and privilege to give back just a small dose of what they showered us with all of our lives.
We are in the process of getting dad a new wheelchair and hoping it helps to keep him more comfortable to get out for longer periods of time. We are also in the process of dealing with the new road that will be going very close to mom and dads house and working with the state highway department to ensure their safety and property value is taken very seriously by those putting the new bypass road in place.
All - in - all the word on the street is - SHUG has never had a bad day in his life. . . that's what he continues to tell people when they ask him how he is. . . or if asked how he feels. . . he will still give his "with my right hand" line and that reminds us all that his body may not be working and mobile, but his sharp mind still is in tact. . .
love to all,