Hey friends and family - sorry I don't get on here as much lately. . . seems like as soon as I get away from blogging and updating - someone sends me an email asking about dad or how he is doing cuz i haven't updated in so long - so here goes the update!
Dad and mom are well. They both had bronchitus last month so that kind of put a damper on their October. . . but they have survived and are feeling much better. It was 3 years in October on the 16th that we remembered the day dad had his stroke and our lives changed forever! Some may look at the stroke as a tragedy and in some ways it was, but we have chosen as a family to look at all of the wonderful positive experiences that we have had because of dad's stroke. We are all so blessed with our very close relationships with our parents, as we care for them on a daily basis. We don't feel burdened we feel blessed. It is our extreme honor and privilege to give back just a small dose of what they showered us with all of our lives.
We are in the process of getting dad a new wheelchair and hoping it helps to keep him more comfortable to get out for longer periods of time. We are also in the process of dealing with the new road that will be going very close to mom and dads house and working with the state highway department to ensure their safety and property value is taken very seriously by those putting the new bypass road in place.
All - in - all the word on the street is - SHUG has never had a bad day in his life. . . that's what he continues to tell people when they ask him how he is. . . or if asked how he feels. . . he will still give his "with my right hand" line and that reminds us all that his body may not be working and mobile, but his sharp mind still is in tact. . .
love to all,
This blog is designed to help keep everyone posted on the latest status of our father- as he recovers from a major stroke he suffered on Tuesday Oct. 16th, 2007.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
Ready for Fall & Football
Well the hot summer is still burning us up and I think my mom and dad are ready for some fall weather so they can enjoy sitting out front again! Was so thrilled that my brother Tim was able to drive my mom and dad out to see my brother Tommy's son JT play in his season opener football game for Musselman High School. They only stayed for one half of play but in that time they got to see JT play so well, including running the ball a Touchdown! What a special evening that was for them! Dad and mom are both feeling good these days - not much new to report in the area of their health. Dad continues to be such a positive force to be reckoned with - seriously I didn't know the man could laugh as much as he does now. And for what he has been thru these past 3 years, that's a great thing to be able to say! Dad has really enjoyed some recent visits of his long-time best buddies (you know who you are!) Our family really appreciates each of you who takes time out of your busy lives to stop in for a quick visit - it means so very much to our parents. Dad talks about the visits for days.
Thank you for your continued prayers! love to all, mbb
Thank you for your continued prayers! love to all, mbb
Friday, July 9, 2010
Luvn Summer!
Holy Smokes I can't believe i haven't blogged here in so long. Just a good sign that mom and dad are doing well! Dad is as happy as can be and mom has been great these days too! She still gets some muscles aches from the condition she was down with over the winter, but in all, she manages so well - she amazes us all! Dad and mom are enjoying summer - they have been sitting outside enjoying watching and waving at passersby, they have done a few picnics with family and of course, they look forward to every Sunday getting out to church. They are anxiously awaiting the arrival of their grand daughter Michelle's first child. . . Michelle and Colt Kinder are expecting little Caroline to arrive very soon! Michelle is my brother David's oldest daughter. That will make great grandchild number seven for mom and dad!
It's a great time to stop in for a visit with them during the summer time - so please feel free anytime to slip by and say hello!
It's a great time to stop in for a visit with them during the summer time - so please feel free anytime to slip by and say hello!
Monday, February 15, 2010
First Outing in 3 weeks!
Yippee! Mom & Dad were able to safely & successfully make it to church yesterday! They had been cooped up in their house for 3 weeks because of this weather! They both loved the service and seeing everyone - but it sure did wear my dad out, he went home and took a 4 hour nap! lol! Today we went and get his shower done and enjoyed some dad & grandfather time as 2 of my kids were with me since no school again. Overall - a great day and dad is doing fabulous - his left leg which has been so swollen has returned to normal - we are so glad for that - wondering if this new "rotating air mattress" is helping him with blood circulation in that leg and thus reducing the swelling?
Have a great week everyone!!
Have a great week everyone!!
Friday, February 5, 2010
Snuggled In & Ready for the Snow!
In case any of you are wondering. . . dad & mom are doing just fine so far in this snow storm. I went by this morning around 10 am and got him in his chair and my brother Timmy will get him back into his bed later today before the worst of the snow begins. Tomorrow my brother Tommy has 4-wheel drive so he will go in and help mom with any hygiene needs - thank God mom and Dad live on an important road that always stays open & pretty well cleared. With the hospital being right up the road, it is a road of high importance to the state when clearing. I'll keep you posted - enjoy the snowy weekend!
Friday, January 29, 2010
Special treatment

Pappy is getting the "special" treatment here in this photo from his great-granddaughter Brynna. . . (Sarah's daughter/Pam's granddaughter). They go into mom & dad's pretty much every week when Pam does and help take care of him. . . Brynna and her little brother Trey usually climb right up in bed with dad and play with him and take care of him. It is so very cute. They love their pappy kisner for sure! Dad asked me to post this so you all could see what great care he is getting.
An update since from dads doctors appointment. . .since I haven't posted recently. All of dad's bloodwork and vitals were great. However, he gave dad a lecture on his weight. He was encouraging him to really try to loose weight and watch his diet because he doesn't want to endanger his health or make it more difficult for us to care for him. Dad received it very well and he is working very hard to keep his diet in check - he has cut off sweets and is limiting his breads & starchy foods. . . the doctor wants him to stick with meat and a few fruits - water and of course vegetables - which dad doesn't like. So any of you out there who like to "treat" dad with his favorites. . . just know that he is on a restricted diet right now so find another way to make him feel special! ha ha The doctor also ordered some home health for him to care for his bed sore and we have already had that first appointment and it went very well. They said we were doing an excellent job taking care of dad & the wound. . . they trained us on how to care for it in the future. . . he also has a new rotating air pressure mattress that we requested at the doctors appointment and that should also help prevent future sores. The doctor also is going to request as a preventative for future strokes. . . physical therapy for dad. Since it has been over a year since he was involved in any - they are putting in a request for it to his insurance. . . so please pray that we get a positive answer - I think that will really help him with simple things like "endurance" to sit up in his wheelchair longer and just the range of motion exercises to keep his blood flowing!
Guess that's about it for now. . . we are doing great overall and dad has seemed to overcome the "melancholy" of his grandson Matt leaving for Australia a few weeks ago. He does talk about Australia a lot - asks what time it is over there every day and if we've heard from him. So I know it's on his mind, but he isn't so weepy about it now. . .just anxious for every detail of Matt's journey at Hillsong Bible College.
We love you all! Take care!
Friday, January 15, 2010
Doctors Appointment Today
In this picture today - Dad was celebrating my daughter Lexy's birthday back in November. We took the party to him - he always loves celebrating with his grandchildren. He was singing happy birthday to her here.
We are headed to the doctors today for a checkup with Dad. We are going to request a special mattress for dad's bed - a rotating air mattress to help avoid future bed sores. He was beginning to develop one, but we acted quickly to nurse it back to health and he seems to be doing better with it. When he has a sore spot like that it makes it very uncomfortable for him to go to church or sit up in his recliner for very long periods of time. . . so we are hoping this mattress will help and we also may look into a new wheelchair for dad that is more comfortable. . .we'll see how it goes today. Praying for a good report on all dads blood work and vitals. I will let you know how it goes. He is still struggling a bit with his grandson Matt's departure Tuesday to Australia for Bible College, but he is getting stronger! He loves visits from his family and friends to help take his mind of things like that which sadden him. Just imagine being confined to your bed or a chair inside a house everyday of the week but Sunday. . . now imagine my dad and his personality in that situation. . . so you can imagine how much seeing people means to him. He loves people and life. . . so bring some his way if you get a chance. Mom is doing very well, feeling her old self again. Thanks for checking in!
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Celebrating the big 74!

Today was dad's birthday (if I get this post up before the clock strikes 12!) We all enjoyed dad with our families throughout the day. When our family went in to take his favorite Angel Food Cake and ice cream, my nephew Matt was there too (Pam's son). See Picture. . . Matt is leaving for Hillsong Bible College this Tuesday - on the other side of the world in Australia! He will be in school for 2 years, hopefully we can see him on break next Christmas. . . but daddy was pretty "melancholy" today knowing the departure is just around the corner. We all laughed and had fun playing "Apples to Apples". . . dad was my partner and we did pretty good. Happy Birthday dad!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Very Good Doctors Visit for Mom
Took my mom to see Dr. Reisenweber as a followup to the scare on Sunday at the ER. He thoroughly examined her and feels very strongly it is Costochondritis (which is an inflammation of the cartilage that connects a rib to the breastbone (sternum). It causes sharp pain in the costosternal joint — where your ribs and breastbone are joined by rubbery cartilage. Pain caused by costochondritis may mimic that of a heart attack or other heart conditions.) He is not ordering any further testing at this time. The flare ups can be treated with simple over the counter pain medication - and she also needs to "lighten" her load. . . so that means we need to carry more of the "weight" when caring for dad as far as moving or rolling him. Mom tends to take over and "do it all" when we are there helping - so we are just gonna crack down on her and let her do the "nursing" things while we do all the lifting.
We are overjoyed with this diagnosis because the ER doc had suggested a bone scan to rule out "the worst case" scenario and today we are praising God because her family doctor was able to confidently diagnose her symptoms and I know she is greatly relieved.
Dad was happy to hear the news too - so all is good at the Kisner house today. Thanks for your continued love and prayers!
We are overjoyed with this diagnosis because the ER doc had suggested a bone scan to rule out "the worst case" scenario and today we are praising God because her family doctor was able to confidently diagnose her symptoms and I know she is greatly relieved.
Dad was happy to hear the news too - so all is good at the Kisner house today. Thanks for your continued love and prayers!
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Little Scare with mom this morning
Well I thought I should get on here and let you all know that we had a wonderful Christmas. . . despite the icy Christmas morning - we postponed the dinner at my house with the Kisner clan til later in the day and it was great. Mom and dad both were able to come. They have both been weathering this cold stuff pretty well - no flu or colds. . . but this morning mom had a little scare. She & dad were eating breakfast and she got a little nauseous and weak - she didn't feel like she could get up off the couch so she had daddy call my brother at church for help. When Tommy got there he said she didn't feel right and was having some pain in her chest on her left side so with her recent heart surgery, we felt it was best to call 911. She was taken to the hospital by ambulance and later release after tests were all clear for her heart. They still want to have her doctor do a "bone-scan" later this week though. He didn't find anything broken, which is what I was thinking - a broken or fracture rib - the way she acted when he put pressure on her left rib cage below her breast. So we pray that the next test is negative as well. Keep them in your prayers. She is home now with daddy but a little weak and tired. Dad of course was weeping all morning - she is his world and he gets so worried about her! Love to all - please stop in when you can and say hello. I promise in 2010 to keep the blog updated more often - as it seems lately I have seen many people around town who confirm that they do in fact still check in to see the progress of the family. Happy New Year everyone. . . I will keep you posted on mom's testing later this week.
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