It's hard to believe that dad has been home a week today! It's flown by really, with all that we have been learning in caring for dad. We are all getting pretty comfortable with his care, some things are easier than others to do, but overall - dad's thinks we are "certified" to care for him. He only met one therapist today - his speech therapist came for an evaluation to determine what her schedule will be with dad. We are to meet his Physical therapist Wednesday and Occupational therapist Thursday or Friday. Pam & I got him up this morning for breakfast and he ate really good - he is really eating so much better than he did at rehab- it's still not a lot, but much better. I think he is getting stronger because of mom's good cookin!
Today dad got to sit in his recliner - my sister Pam, who has been with him since Sunday evening, says he is very happy about that. We are also researching about either renting or leasing (or purchasing) a wheelchair accessible van for us to use until dad is able to transfer from chair to a vehicle without so much assistance. We do have someone who is allowing us to borrow their van right now, but we don't want to inconvenience anyone or run into conflicts with their schedule. If anyone has any information regarding this or knows of someone with a van like this that they are not using, we would love to have that contact information. Please call me on my cell (283-4438) if you have some info regarding this.
Hope you all have a safe and happy new years eve! My brother Timmy is coming in this evening to relieve Pam at 7 and will spend New Years Eve with dad and mom. Then tomorrow my other 2 brothers have back to back shifts, Dave in the morning and Tommy at night. Our brother Tommy is preparing to leave for China on Friday for his job. Please keep him in your prayers - he will be there a month and it is going to be very hard for him to be gone from dad and his own family.
Thanks to everyone who is volunteering to help us with meals, errands, visits, etc. It means so much - we always knew we had a big family - but lately it seems a whole lot bigger!!!
This blog is designed to help keep everyone posted on the latest status of our father- as he recovers from a major stroke he suffered on Tuesday Oct. 16th, 2007.
Monday, December 31, 2007
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Quiet Sunday
Hey folks - not much to report today. . . dad had a pretty quiet day. He did have some visitors from church that he enjoyed seeing and then the rest of the day was spent with family. Mom said dad was bit of a chatter box today - a bit confusing at times.
Tomorrow is a big day - we expect the three therapists to visit to evaluate him for his therapy plans. We are really praying for great people who can make a difference in dad's recovery - he certainly is "itching" to be able to get out of that bed without our help. With dad's determination and your prayers - I know he will accomplish that some day. I was inspired by this scripture today. . .“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”- John 16:33
I know that beccause Jesus lives in my dad's heart - he too will overcome this obstacle that he now faces - thanks for believing that with us!
Tomorrow is a big day - we expect the three therapists to visit to evaluate him for his therapy plans. We are really praying for great people who can make a difference in dad's recovery - he certainly is "itching" to be able to get out of that bed without our help. With dad's determination and your prayers - I know he will accomplish that some day. I was inspired by this scripture today. . .“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”- John 16:33
I know that beccause Jesus lives in my dad's heart - he too will overcome this obstacle that he now faces - thanks for believing that with us!
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Another Good Day at Home
Hey everyone - just getting around to posting after a full day here at mom & dads. We have had a great day with dad. He has been in pretty good spirits all day. He ate well at every meal. We did a little bit of therapy together - we worked on leg lifts & pushes. He was pushing well with that left leg - I was really pleased. He enjoyed some company, one of mom's sister's - Aunt Patty- came from Baltimore to see him with her daughter Shelly and that was good for him. My gang was here most of the day too - so of course, there is never a dull moment! Dad's vitals are doing good - his blood levels came back good from the doctors office - so there will be no change in his coumadin for now. After dinner tonight - he sat up in his wheel chair and watched the WVU basketball game with us for a good while - they are all still out there cheering them on thru the overttime. I think he is pretty worn out because he really didn't nap much today. So we are hoping for a peaceful night for him. Thanks for checking in - keep Dad in your prayers. He said today - "I hate to wish time away, but I sure am looking forward to warmer weather and seeing if my body might work better when its not so cold out." We keep encouraging dad that this is only a temporary season for him as his body and mind heal - and that he will get better. He said - "if I could just do a couple of things for my grandkids or kids, that would make me feel better." So we are going to try to find some tasks for him to do to make him feel productive around here. We love you all!
Friday, December 28, 2007
Busy Day at the Kisners
Dad had a busy day today. He had 2 visits from home health - one nurse to draw blood for his weekly blood levels test and one who assisted mom with bathing & grooming dad and checking vitals. He also had about 7 visitors this morning & afternoon. He enjoyed everyone of them! He enjoyed a great meal that mom cooked of one of his favorites and even enjoyed some cognitive therapy at the kitchen table practicing writing his name and his childrens and grandchildren. He stayed up til about 10pm and now he and mama are sleeping soundly while me and Lexy are watching the Disney channel in their room. He seems to be pretty good medically speaking - no pain lately - but then again, he hasn't had a really good work out since Monday before he left. We are really looking forward to physical therapy starting next week because I think he misses it! Thanks for checking in - we love you all!
Thursday, December 27, 2007
The Miracle Men of 2007
Thanks to all of you who have stopped in to visit. You are really encouraging to dad. He is very anxious to start therapy again - I think he actually misses it. I think he is worried that if he doesn't get started soon - he will not get better. His therapists should begin coming Monday. He will have a home health nurse tomorrow come to draw blood for his "coumadin" check - (they have to check his blood - to make sure it is not thinning too much - it has to be just right in order to prevent a clot and yet not bleed out again).
Other than the emotional aspect of today, Dad's vitals remain good and he is resting well. He does still have a good bit of confusion about various things. But that is to be expected. Thanks for your daily support and prayers - we need all we can get!
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Settling In
There has been so much excitement with bringing dad home Christmas eve, then celebrating Christmas with him yesterday. . . today was our first real settling in day. We are trying to get dad on a routine - and get our schedules figured out for assisting mom around the clock - and today, Panhandle Home Health arrived to do the initial assessment to get everything started. Dad was a little emotional today - he is just looking around seeing so many memories on the walls and realizing he is home and I think it is hard for him to be home and not be the way he used to be. So I guess as good as it is for him to be home with us - it is also a time of sadness for him too as he realizes his limitations. This whole journey is very emotional and we just try to take things one day at a time. We are still praying and believing for dad to be able to regain mobility and some independence with his daily activities, please pray with us that dad will continue to get better and improve in his physical strength and cognitive abilities to return to the life he once knew. He does have a lot of work ahead. . . but we are asking God to just take control of this whole situation and work in dad's life!
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
The Most Amazing Christmas!
We had the most amazing Christmas with dad! He rested so well last night and woke up around 4:30am. We were able to get him into his wheelchair in the morning and evening for mealtimes and the rest of the day he sat in the upright position in his bed just enjoying his big family! We tried to take shifts visiting because each one of us packs a powerful punch with our children and in 3 siblings case, grandchildren. He did very well, even at some high traffic times. He smilled and even laughed more today than I have seen him since his stroke. Being home for Christmas definitely agreed with dad - and us! His blood pressure is very good and he seems to be tolerating the move well. We are expecting home health to call tomorrow to set up a home evaluation to assess his needs. Today he said to us "I need you guys to find a specialist to help fix my back and my legs. . ." We told him he would be having 3 specialists coming to the house to help him and he was very happy about that. Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! Happy Birthday Jesus - we love you!
Monday, December 24, 2007
Merry Christmas - Dad's Home!
Well folks - sorry I couldn't post sooner, but I have had the honor and privilege of spending Christmas eve with my parents at their home! Praise God! They don't have wireless internet there so I could not log on to the site. Dad had a very busy day starting with therapy, then discharge, then the ride home and then settling in. He was so happy to be home - he almost couldn't believe it. In fact, at one point, he told me he had to get ready to go back home. When I told him he was here to stay - he was thrilled. He saw his recliner when we wheeled him into the living room where his hospital bed is and he kind of laughed a little and said - "I'd like to just jump out of this chair and into that right now." We are right with ya dad!
The day was pretty hectic and he didn't get to nap, so by evening, he was exhausted and a bit confused. Probably for a while, we will have to be very cautious of overstimulating him with too many people in the room - the doctor warned us of that. It causes him to "shutdown" because he can not follow all of the conversations and activity-especially when he hasn't had a nap! We'll have to keep the party in the kitchen and hallway I guess! He finally fell asleep around 7:30pm and only woke up for meds at 9:45pm. . . he was sawing logs when I left at midnight when my big brother dave arrived to take the next shift. His blood pressure was excellent and we managed to figure out his 20 pill regimen per day! We told him he had a new set of nurses - his family!
I can not explain how wonderful it felt to sit in our parents home tonight with dad lying there comfortably in his bed - and mama lying asleep on the couch (not to mention the smell of our Christmas turkey in the oven beginning to fill the house with that mouth-watering smell!). It's just too good for words. Thanks to you all for your prayers that got us to this point - we are believing that dad will continue to improve and get better with the help of Home Health therapists which should begin working with him later this week.
Merry Christmas! Remember, the reason for the season is. . . . JESUS!
The day was pretty hectic and he didn't get to nap, so by evening, he was exhausted and a bit confused. Probably for a while, we will have to be very cautious of overstimulating him with too many people in the room - the doctor warned us of that. It causes him to "shutdown" because he can not follow all of the conversations and activity-especially when he hasn't had a nap! We'll have to keep the party in the kitchen and hallway I guess! He finally fell asleep around 7:30pm and only woke up for meds at 9:45pm. . . he was sawing logs when I left at midnight when my big brother dave arrived to take the next shift. His blood pressure was excellent and we managed to figure out his 20 pill regimen per day! We told him he had a new set of nurses - his family!
I can not explain how wonderful it felt to sit in our parents home tonight with dad lying there comfortably in his bed - and mama lying asleep on the couch (not to mention the smell of our Christmas turkey in the oven beginning to fill the house with that mouth-watering smell!). It's just too good for words. Thanks to you all for your prayers that got us to this point - we are believing that dad will continue to improve and get better with the help of Home Health therapists which should begin working with him later this week.
Merry Christmas! Remember, the reason for the season is. . . . JESUS!
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Tomorrow's the big day!
Well folks the time has come to bring dad home. We are hoping to leave Winchester between 1 and 2. . . depending on the doctor's schedule. This is a big step for all of us, especially dad. It will certainly be a day of thanksgiving for us all. Dad has had a peaceful weekend at Rehab, so the trip should go well coming home. Everything is in place - the ramp is built, the bed is ready, his lift is good to go and all the other medication helps we need are nearby - now we just need dad. I promise to post tomorrow after his arrival home. . . Merry Christmas everyone - hope yours will be as special as ours!
Friday, December 21, 2007
Just 3 More Days of Rehab
Wow - it's hard to believe in just three days, we will bring dad home! He's had his ups and downs this week. One good day, one bad day. This morning when I arrived, he had been throwing up blood like before (his gall bladder), but overall he felt good. His speech was clear and his thought process was much better than yesterday. Mentally, he is doing okay, but he still gets his thoughts mixed up or starts talking about one thing and then goes into something else before finishing that thought - (come to think of it - I have that problem sometimes too! ha ha)
Anyway, we're all just about finished our training on caring for dad. The hospital bed, hoyer lift and other equipment arrived today at their house and mom was able to get it placed where she wanted it. I think we have all the supplies we need and we'll get his medication scripts tonight to get filled in the morning. Uncle Tommy and our cousins are building the ramp in the morning, as well.
I was able to spend a few hours with him today and when we talk about coming home, his emotions just overwhelm him. He said he just wants to get back to his normal way of life. He wants to get better so bad. We have to believe with him and encourage him that it takes time, but he will get better and learn to do things for himself again one day.
Let's pray that his gall bladder doesn't flair up too bad before we can get it removed. And pray for a safe trip home on Monday. When we get home, he will surely enjoy seeing you all at some point. Feel free to call the house at 304-263-5843 and just check in with mom and us to make sure the timing is good for his schedule and that he is up to visitors!
Because we have to have a special vehicle to haul him in his wheelchair, he won't be able to do much leaving the house early on except for doctors appointments. His therapy should begin late next week in home as well. That's all I can think of for now. . .
Love you all and hope to see you at mom & dad's soon. . . thanks for all your support. I will continue this blog until dad is able to write on it himself !
Anyway, we're all just about finished our training on caring for dad. The hospital bed, hoyer lift and other equipment arrived today at their house and mom was able to get it placed where she wanted it. I think we have all the supplies we need and we'll get his medication scripts tonight to get filled in the morning. Uncle Tommy and our cousins are building the ramp in the morning, as well.
I was able to spend a few hours with him today and when we talk about coming home, his emotions just overwhelm him. He said he just wants to get back to his normal way of life. He wants to get better so bad. We have to believe with him and encourage him that it takes time, but he will get better and learn to do things for himself again one day.
Let's pray that his gall bladder doesn't flair up too bad before we can get it removed. And pray for a safe trip home on Monday. When we get home, he will surely enjoy seeing you all at some point. Feel free to call the house at 304-263-5843 and just check in with mom and us to make sure the timing is good for his schedule and that he is up to visitors!
Because we have to have a special vehicle to haul him in his wheelchair, he won't be able to do much leaving the house early on except for doctors appointments. His therapy should begin late next week in home as well. That's all I can think of for now. . .
Love you all and hope to see you at mom & dad's soon. . . thanks for all your support. I will continue this blog until dad is able to write on it himself !
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Dad's Coming Home Christmas Eve!
We have received the official discharge news, dad will be coming home Christmas eve. We have been busy this week learning everything we can to take care of him at home. Sorry I have been behind on posting. There is so much to learn!!! Dad seems happy. He uses the calendar we took him and marks off each day like a child anticipating Christmas day. Of course, we are very happy to have such an awesome gift this Christmas of dad back. We are also very nervous about the huge responsibility of his care, but are leaning on God and our family and friends to help us thru this special season in our lives. Our uncle Tommy Sowers is building the wheelchair ramp Saturday and the medical equipment will be arriving this week. We are planning on leaving Winchester Monday at 1pm. . . it almost seems surreal. I can't imagine the emotions we are all gonna feel bringing him home for the first time. Please continue to pray for dad's healing - he still has a very long road ahead. He continues to get stronger on the left side, but the damage to his brain causes the inability to know how to use it - we still have to assist him with everything from bathing, dressing, bathroom, and of course he has not even taken a step yet. Remember, I just said "yet" - because I believe with all of my heart that dad will walk again one day. Believe that with us!!! Our feeling is that when he returns to his familiar setting of home, that it will help with his mental healing too and that we will continue to see improvement and progress. We will be staying with mom everyday - taking turns among siblings - until he gets well enough. His therapy will continue at home several days a week as well.
This will definitely be a Christmas we will forever remember and be forever thankful for the simple gift of life - thank you God!
This will definitely be a Christmas we will forever remember and be forever thankful for the simple gift of life - thank you God!
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Busy Week Ahead
Dad had a restful Sunday. He enjoyed visits from family and friends. I didn't get to post Saturday after we took mom up, but it was a great day. We got to participate in his morning and afternoon therapy and my kids were really proud of their pappy. He was really working hard. He was very good mentally too. He actually said one of his famous phrases to the doctors which I had not heard him say in a long time. . . she asked how he was that day and he replied, "Never had a bad day in my life." He was really trying hard to be positive and after lunch we wheeled him over to the computer in the dining hall and looked at his blog and then looked at The Living Room website - he likes looking at the pictures on there.
This week, my sister and brothers and I will be sitting in on and participating in dad's therapy, in order to prepare us for the anticipated homecoming of dad the following week. We still have not received the 100% confirmation - but that should come tomorrow or Tuesday at the latest because they will need to prepare his meds, equipment and transportation, etc. and that is a lot to do the week before Christmas.
Please be in prayer for us this week - we have a lot to prepare for, a lot to learn and of course, pray that dad will continue to get stronger and stronger everyday which will help us tremendously in bringing him home. This is a BIG week for the Kisner family for sure!
This week, my sister and brothers and I will be sitting in on and participating in dad's therapy, in order to prepare us for the anticipated homecoming of dad the following week. We still have not received the 100% confirmation - but that should come tomorrow or Tuesday at the latest because they will need to prepare his meds, equipment and transportation, etc. and that is a lot to do the week before Christmas.
Please be in prayer for us this week - we have a lot to prepare for, a lot to learn and of course, pray that dad will continue to get stronger and stronger everyday which will help us tremendously in bringing him home. This is a BIG week for the Kisner family for sure!
Saturday, December 15, 2007
The Weekend
Yesterday we dropped mom off early on our way to a photo shoot in Moorefield, then returned afterward to spend lunch with dad. He was very tired - he had worked so hard with his therapist kevin. Mom said he worked hard in the afternoon too and last night was just "pooped". I am getting ready this morning to take her up before the storm comes (whatever it ends up being!). She is going to spend the night there tonight just in case its a bad one. We are working on all the details of bringing dad home Christmas eve. We are still learning all the ropes and have much to take in over this next week. . . we are excited, yet nervous. It's a lot of work to care for dad right now and we just want to be sure we can provide him the best care - we wouldn't want our desire to bring him home to override what is safest for him. But God is continuing to work thru him and us and we have faith we can do this. The therapists say he is much better cognitively this week. He is concentrating and learning better. Please be in prayer for dads' continued progress and strength and for our family to be able to get everything done to bring dad home. The boys are meeting Sunday to build the ramps to the house - if we don't have bad weather. They may just have to concentrate on moving furniture inside the house - we need to make room for dad's equipment.
I'll give a quick post after I visit dad this morning. Be careful out there!
I'll give a quick post after I visit dad this morning. Be careful out there!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Learning the ropes
Hey everyone! Took mom to Rehab this morning and we went to dad's therapy and I was able to begin "learning the ropes" a little. I assisted his physical therapist with his basic exercises and sitting balance and then when he was ready to go to lunch, I helped transfer him from the exercise table to his wheelchair. I actually did the main supporting and lifting part with the therapist spotting me in the back - after three lift and moves - we got him right into his chair! Dad seemed happy that this stage of us learning to care for him has begun. Dad's overall mental and cognitive thinking seemed better today. He was still a little quiet and soft spoken, but for the most part he was rational with his logic of things. His therapist said he had stood dad up several times to his feet and that his balance was much better today than yesterday. He had a pretty swell morning in therapy.
Over the next week and half, me and my siblings will be spending time with dad during rehab hours to practice these transfers and learn basic care of him for his tentative discharge plan of December 24th. We have a lot to learn between now and then and a lot of work to do to our house to get it ready for dad - whew - pray for us to get it all done with the holidays right in the middle of everything too! If we are unable to handle dad's transfers from chair to bed and bathroom hygiene maneuvering, we would be forced to place him in the local skilled nursing/rehab facility on the 24th and we really really really want to try to bring him home - pray for our strength and quick learning of how to be dad's new 24 hour care team!
Over the next week and half, me and my siblings will be spending time with dad during rehab hours to practice these transfers and learn basic care of him for his tentative discharge plan of December 24th. We have a lot to learn between now and then and a lot of work to do to our house to get it ready for dad - whew - pray for us to get it all done with the holidays right in the middle of everything too! If we are unable to handle dad's transfers from chair to bed and bathroom hygiene maneuvering, we would be forced to place him in the local skilled nursing/rehab facility on the 24th and we really really really want to try to bring him home - pray for our strength and quick learning of how to be dad's new 24 hour care team!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Ups & downs
Remember this journey is filled with ups and downs. Even though yesterday was a great blessing of a day - today we had to be patient because dad was very tired, agitated and confused. Really it began last evening when he was convinced he was supposed to come home. He called me at 10:30 pm and was very upset that "they would not let him leave". I had to explain to him that we still needed to get everything ready at home, get the equipment in place he needs there, have training to provide his 24hour care (bathing, dressing, transferring him), arrange his in-home therapy/nurses and that we didn't have any of his medicines (not to mention that we are a week & half before Christmas - yikes!) He told me and the nurses he'd give me 3 days - that's it. I sure hope I can convince him that the week & half we have left there is only 3 days! I'll be going up tonight to spend some time with him and mom and bring her home. I will let you know if I learn anything new. Keep praying for him!
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Whatever You're Doing - KEEP IT UP!!!
I don't know what you all are doing out there - but whatever it is. . . please don't stop. Dad has had an amazing day!!! Mom just called and said he did great in therapy today - he even told her he could have stayed down there an hour more! (He usually says they're killing him) She said that one of his therapists had dad at the parallel bars and was standing him up and really working with him good. My mom's excitement could just be felt thru the phone as she reported this to me just now. She said she's been talking to him about coming home today a lot and he has a twinkle in his eye about it. Yes, there were still times of confusion with his thinking today - but nothing like what they were reporting yesterday. I will get another update after the doctor visits tonight and I am going to try to slip up and see him too for a first hand view of this awesome work of God!!! People - God is listening to our prayers - please please please keep them coming! As our pastor says to us all the time, "we have to speak it into life." Yesterday and today we have spoken dad's destiny into life - let's not stop now - let's pray this whole miracle into completion!!!!!!
Monday, December 10, 2007
The doctors report
I know you all have been waiting patiently to hear about our meeting with dad's medical care team today. It was quite extensive and involved 8 different people working with dad from speech to occupational to physical therapy and also his nurses and doctor. It was an information-packed meeting. First and foremost before we share any of the feedback - let's give glory to God for allowing dad to survive this terrible illness. We are blessed to have this precious man still in our lives - according to his doctor with all dad's been thru - it is just amazing that he's here with us today (stroke, pulmonary embolism, gall bladder - now this weeks issues!) Dr. Parker said to us - this man has survived a major intracranial bleed - it has done a lot of damage to his brain - so don't expect us to get him back to the way he was. . . . hmmmm - he doesn't know our God does he????
As you have been reading the past few days on the blog, dad's had a difficult week. His care team reported seeing this in each of their areas as well. They all were concerned about the sudden cognitive decline they've been witnessing. This decline has really become a roadblock to his overall therapy - since he's experiencing confusion and the inability to keep focussed on specific instructions from his therapists, it has resulted in a definite decline of his progress. However, they did acknowledge his continued strength increasing on the left side, but without the cognitive ability to use it, they can not help him progress. As a precaution, the doctor ordered some tests, including a ct scan of his brain at the hospital, urinalysis and thyroid level check. The ct scan done at the hospital was clear, at first they thought they might have seen a little fluid, but it was nothing of any concern and they would re-scan him before discharge to be sure. The doctor really believes his thyroid condition has been overlooked and his medications were not strong enough - so they've increased them already. It may take a week or so for the impact of this med change, but dr. parker is leaning toward this for why he may be experiencing this decline.
Where do we go from here? Well, the case worker explained that with dad's insurance plan, he only has 2 more weeks left in acute rehab there. So unless they find some medical reason that would hospitalize him, he very well could be discharged by Christmas. Where will he go? That we can not answer today. We want more than anything in the world for him to come home - but in order to do that right now, it will require 2 adults to assist him in and out of his chair to bed (with mom's recent shoulder surgery she is not strong enough to be one of those adults). Prior to this decline cognitively, he was only requiring the assist of 1 adult. He is still not strong enough in his "trunk" to even sit up without assistance on both sides. (If this med change helps, it's possible to see the return to his previous level of assist - that would help.)
If he would get to come home, we would be able to have 3 days of in-home therapy and weekly nurse visits, and they would get us all the medical equipment for the home. The other alternative at discharge is a skilled nursing/rehab facility like the one in Martinsburg. However, it is very expensive and insurance only covers a few days there and afterward they want a pretty hefty co-pay. So what are we going to do? The first thing we did was gather around dad at the lunch table today and asked God to help him get better - to heal him. Next, we are going to watch him this week and see how things go and then meet on the weekend to determine the best, safest, most productive place for dad to go at discharge.
There's also the issue with the gall bladder that needs removed and although the doctor has his nausea under control right now, he is considering that surgery for dad shortly after or before his discharge. Dr. Parker asked dad tonight if he would like to go home for a few days at Christmas before his surgery and he said, "I want to go home forever."
I appeal to you all - near and far - we need your faith, we need your prayers and we need you to believe together with us that dad's miracle is not yet complete - that God not only saved his life, but he is preparing to give dad the healing he needs to beat this horrible illness. Together, we believe that we can help make dad's desire to "go home forever" come true.
As you have been reading the past few days on the blog, dad's had a difficult week. His care team reported seeing this in each of their areas as well. They all were concerned about the sudden cognitive decline they've been witnessing. This decline has really become a roadblock to his overall therapy - since he's experiencing confusion and the inability to keep focussed on specific instructions from his therapists, it has resulted in a definite decline of his progress. However, they did acknowledge his continued strength increasing on the left side, but without the cognitive ability to use it, they can not help him progress. As a precaution, the doctor ordered some tests, including a ct scan of his brain at the hospital, urinalysis and thyroid level check. The ct scan done at the hospital was clear, at first they thought they might have seen a little fluid, but it was nothing of any concern and they would re-scan him before discharge to be sure. The doctor really believes his thyroid condition has been overlooked and his medications were not strong enough - so they've increased them already. It may take a week or so for the impact of this med change, but dr. parker is leaning toward this for why he may be experiencing this decline.
Where do we go from here? Well, the case worker explained that with dad's insurance plan, he only has 2 more weeks left in acute rehab there. So unless they find some medical reason that would hospitalize him, he very well could be discharged by Christmas. Where will he go? That we can not answer today. We want more than anything in the world for him to come home - but in order to do that right now, it will require 2 adults to assist him in and out of his chair to bed (with mom's recent shoulder surgery she is not strong enough to be one of those adults). Prior to this decline cognitively, he was only requiring the assist of 1 adult. He is still not strong enough in his "trunk" to even sit up without assistance on both sides. (If this med change helps, it's possible to see the return to his previous level of assist - that would help.)
If he would get to come home, we would be able to have 3 days of in-home therapy and weekly nurse visits, and they would get us all the medical equipment for the home. The other alternative at discharge is a skilled nursing/rehab facility like the one in Martinsburg. However, it is very expensive and insurance only covers a few days there and afterward they want a pretty hefty co-pay. So what are we going to do? The first thing we did was gather around dad at the lunch table today and asked God to help him get better - to heal him. Next, we are going to watch him this week and see how things go and then meet on the weekend to determine the best, safest, most productive place for dad to go at discharge.
There's also the issue with the gall bladder that needs removed and although the doctor has his nausea under control right now, he is considering that surgery for dad shortly after or before his discharge. Dr. Parker asked dad tonight if he would like to go home for a few days at Christmas before his surgery and he said, "I want to go home forever."
I appeal to you all - near and far - we need your faith, we need your prayers and we need you to believe together with us that dad's miracle is not yet complete - that God not only saved his life, but he is preparing to give dad the healing he needs to beat this horrible illness. Together, we believe that we can help make dad's desire to "go home forever" come true.
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Looking 4 Prayers of Encouragement & Healing
Hey family and friends, I am sending out a special request tonight that you flood heaven with lots and lots of prayers for dad tonight and tomorrow. He is going thru a very frustrating, sad and confusing stage of his illness and he really needs our encouragement and strength. Our family also wants to partner with all of you this week to concentrate on praying specifically for dad's healing and strength. He is feeling like he can't do anything and that he has done something to 'get himself into this mess'. He is so worried about his future and just doesn't understand why he can't get better. Most everyone of you at some time or another has been encouraged by our dad - he always has a positive word to say or a way of looking for the glass that's half full - now he needs your encouragement and strength to believe for something significant in his rehab this week to give him the motivation and belief that he can and will conquer this giant in front of him. We have a "family consult" at 11am tomorrow with dad's doctor and therapists. We are praying to hear some good news on dad's future and we are believing for even greater things to come out of his rehab this week. If you have time, slip up to see dad this week or give him a phone call or send him a card - these are all powerful ways to encourage dad and remind him of how special is to all of us!
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Lots of Memories
Hello everyone. . . just got home from seeing dad and picking up mom. Dad had a quiet day in rehab - he slept a good part of the day mom said after his therapy. He just had speech and some bedside physical therapy today. He is still having a good bit of confusion and trouble piecing things together - tonight he was asking me to let the county commission know about him and that he wouldn't make it to the meeting and he also wanted me to contact our legislators whom he is close with to let them know. He just has so many memories floating around his mind and I just don't think he knows what is current and what is past, but he does remember it all. He even was thinking about his own grandmother tonight.
He is also thinking about his progress a lot. At one point he said to me - "when we have this meeting with my doctors on Monday - please ask them how I got to be like this - because if it is something I am doing - I want to know so I can stop." I explained to him again what happened to him and that we just have to be patient as God works his miracle throughout his body. He said he just wants to get home and see all of his kids. . . his grandkids. He misses everyone so much.
Thanks to those of you who are making the hike up to see him - it means so much to all of us and especially to him. Please be praying for our meeting Monday - we so hope to pass along some encouraging news about dad and his future.
He is also thinking about his progress a lot. At one point he said to me - "when we have this meeting with my doctors on Monday - please ask them how I got to be like this - because if it is something I am doing - I want to know so I can stop." I explained to him again what happened to him and that we just have to be patient as God works his miracle throughout his body. He said he just wants to get home and see all of his kids. . . his grandkids. He misses everyone so much.
Thanks to those of you who are making the hike up to see him - it means so much to all of us and especially to him. Please be praying for our meeting Monday - we so hope to pass along some encouraging news about dad and his future.
Friday, December 7, 2007
Stronger every day
Dad gets stronger every day is what the doctor said last night during his evening exam. Dad was still a little on the quiet side, but he looked really good. Rehab is full of ups and downs and it certainly does not happen on dad's or my preferred pace - fast! (ha ha) We are learning so much about patience and celebrating little things. Mom worries that he is not eating enough - she says he eats like a bird, but I told her - at least he is eating. She just wants him to regain his strength - and I know that even though she is strong - she just wants dad to get better sooner than later. We all want that - but we all have to be reminded - each of us that it is a blessing that dad is even with us - that he among only 25% of hemorrhagic stroke victims that survive. . . the fact that he survived this severe of a stroke and then the pulmonary embolism scare and then a bad gall bladder - well, he looks pretty good at this point!
Please feel free to visit him this weekend - that would really encourage him and lift his spirits. With the weather this week, its been a very scarce group of friends and family who have made it up - you know dad - he's a people person and I think he's needing his "peeps". Saturdays he only does a half day of therapy usually from 2 to 3:30 and Sundays he is off. Friday (today) he is done at 3:30.
We love you all and appreciate all your love and support and prayers!
Please feel free to visit him this weekend - that would really encourage him and lift his spirits. With the weather this week, its been a very scarce group of friends and family who have made it up - you know dad - he's a people person and I think he's needing his "peeps". Saturdays he only does a half day of therapy usually from 2 to 3:30 and Sundays he is off. Friday (today) he is done at 3:30.
We love you all and appreciate all your love and support and prayers!
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
7 Weeks into Our Journey
It's hard to believe that 7 Weeks ago, we were just one day into this journey with our dad. It's like a roller coaster ride with no foreseeable ending. Some days we crest a hill and feel the excitement when we see some improvement - then we feel the let down as we come down the hill on days like this week - when Dad has been experiencing so much confusion and difficulty with his speech. Even his therapists have noticed it this week. We are not sure why, and it may be normal, but we are going to ask his doctor about it. On a positive note, Pam said he was sitting up so straight and holding himself so well at lunch time. It's hard to explain, but just sitting in his wheel chair is hard work for dad - it wears him out. He did seem to enjoy watching Rudolf with Lexy last night, but was very tired and quiet while we were there visiting.
Pam was able to safely get mom up to rehab this morning before most of the snow arrived, but mom may end up staying tonight if the roads get too bad for Rob & I to travel to get her. Mom got word yesterday that our family meeting with dad's medical team is Monday at 11am. We are excited about the opportunity to learn first hand how dad is doing and what the plan is for him.
Thanks for checking in and thanks for keeping our family, especially dad and mom, in your prayers.
Pam was able to safely get mom up to rehab this morning before most of the snow arrived, but mom may end up staying tonight if the roads get too bad for Rob & I to travel to get her. Mom got word yesterday that our family meeting with dad's medical team is Monday at 11am. We are excited about the opportunity to learn first hand how dad is doing and what the plan is for him.
Thanks for checking in and thanks for keeping our family, especially dad and mom, in your prayers.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
There's Good & Bad in Rehab
What we have come to discover is that there is good and bad in rehab. And that even the bad doesn't mean it's bad - did I loose you? Well what we mean is - every day we see something good happening, albeit some days its in very small doses, others in bigger doses. While some days, it just feels lousy. Yesterday dad said rehab was just plain lousy. He even told mom after the morning therapy that he was done with that stuff - they work him too hard and he just wanted to go home. Well, by the time the afternoon therapy rolled around - he was like butter in their hands. He really likes the team of professionals working with him downstairs and he will try to do everything they ask him to. He got sick when he took nighttime meds last night and then woke up again at 1am and was sick again - that's when he made his 1:03 am call to me. He was sooo confused and upset. But like always, we talked and he calmed down and his nurse said she would help him thru it. His room mate went home yesterday - so maybe he was thinking he needed out of there too! I told him today at lunch time that even though therapy is hard - every time he works at it - he is one step closer to coming home with us. We have been told they will meet with us early next week for an evaluation of dad's progress - just waiting on a date/time. So for now, we are just learning to take the good with the bad and that overall - no matter how each day develops - we are blessed beyond measure to have this amazing father who has survived something that could have been so much worse and we know that with prayer, patience and love - our dad will conquer the most difficult challenge of his life!
Monday, December 3, 2007
Quiet Weekend
Hey everyone - just a short post to catch up from missing Sunday - sorry bout that. It was a busy day. Dad had a quiet Sunday to cap off his weekend. He spent the day resting as some family and friends did stop by to visit him - my oldest son Robby went up after our 9am service at church to spend the day with him and when I arrived at 4pm to pick him up and visit - I could tell he and pappy had been dishin' about football all day. Dad didn't want to let go of Robby 's hand when we took him to the dining room to eat. Dad was having a little trouble communicating yesterday - his voice was just barely audible when I was there and he was a little frustrated as he was getting his thoughts and words mixed up. But it was a rainy dreary day yesterday and maybe it just was one of those days. We all have them. After his therapy this morning and afternoon - I will check in with him and let you all know how his day goes. Hope you will continue to believe with our family that Dad will be strong enough and well enough to come home at Christmas and continue therapy from there. It would be the best gift we could receive!
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Another Hard Day at Work
Dad had a good day - just minimal nausea. He did a half day of therapy and mom said he did very well. They put him in the wheel-chair at the parallel bars and they stood him up several times. He can only bear weight on the right side so he does have to have the aide of the therapists quite a bit during this exercise. Mom said he also was working on the leg machine to strengthen those muscles. He was really tired and soft spoken when Lexy and I arrived after the Christmas parade. He liked seeing Lexy in her parade costume - he really lit up. He watched the first half of the WVU game with us, but was so tired and upset about the game that he decided he would just go to bed. And with the way that game turned out - I am glad we left when we did - he will be so disappointed when he hears about it. Oh well, as much as we wanted WVU to win. . .seeing dad home at Christmas time will still be the best gift our family could ever receive - even better than a National Championship!
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